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Boggy Bit.

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Yo air gunners! While driving round in my truck the other evening having a look round, I spotted the odd rabbit out in the sun at the bottom of a bit of land I control the bunnies on, most folk avoid it due to it being a little swampy, I've had endless laughs at new young, and over bold tractor drivers who have some how got them selves bogged down to he axles, and had to ring for a tow out, oh the embarrassment of it all :laugh: But back to the rabbits. This land has a slight slope on it where the rain drains down either side into a bog at the bottom. Its a little bit interesting this bog, apart from the lush grass that grows around it which the rabbits love. At this time of year its full of Orchids like these.




It has its fair share of other nifty plants too, but my crap phone wont zoom in close enough to take pix of them, and I'm f**ked if I'm losing a welly wading in there just to show you lot what else is in the bog :laugh: I think the bog is SSSI. Well after a quick plink to get my eye in, I soon whacked my first victim, just a hob snack (kit) As I was walking down to the bog I spotted this, looks like the Badgers are feeding up on rabbit kits in this area, thought these over protected foragers only ate slugs and worms, think its time the badger lovers woke up to the ground nesting birds eggs they rob, like Lapwings and Plovers :censored:




While I was laid there filling it time trying to joust a big black slug off a blade of grass with thin a twig, three more rabbits hopped out, two kits and a half grown, and after a slow motion pick up of my gun, I managed to whack the three of them, get in I thought :boogy: By this time my jousting partner had got bored with my antics, and done one, and I cant blame it really :laugh: To cut a long story short, two other rabbits made an appearance, briefly, and caught some lead :D This made my total 6, so with soggy knee's, I gathered my whacked victims and headed for my truck. The now compulsory EODP.




Keep at them you leadflingers! :thumbs:



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Nice one stealthy and cracking photos don't you just love nature , i was sitting the other night just before dusk watching a red squirrel cleaning its self and jumping from tree to tree i just sat there with a smile on my face wishing it had been a gray :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: atvbmac

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Nice one stealthy and cracking photos don't you just love nature , i was sitting the other night just before dusk watching a red squirrel cleaning its self and jumping from tree to tree i just sat there with a smile on my face wishing it had been a gray :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: atvbmac


Yep! I love the nature side of things, could watch it all day every day if the Mrs would give over texting me to come home every couple of hours :laugh: One old boy I clear rabbits for said that the only reason I'm a rabbit collector is because it gives me an excuse to be out in the countryside, and it give me access to private land, shame the rabbits never see me looking through binoculars and only a scope :laugh:

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great shooting mate :thumbs:




Cheers mate, bell me when you get some spare time and I'll come whacking with you on your new permission :D


will do mate at least it wont be boggy :laugh:




I'll leave my wellies at home then :laugh:

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