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Hares Size???? 30 Years Ago To Now.........

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i found out a couple of old pics of my grandad in with two hares, must have been 30 years ago. ill try to get pictures up later, what im getting at is the size of the hares in picture and it looks as if early season but they were massive look over 2ft streched out... it was before my time but has anyone noticed a change in size over the years to now, they looked alot healthier as well. like to no what you all think??? :thumbs:

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id a full head 30 years ago

Wish someone could explain to me the sport you get out of shooting hares , with todays guns and the easy target that a hare is , it must surely be only to keep lurcher lads off the land , hares were b

Ok mate. This is the biggest ive ever had myself 5 mins away from my house. The pics dont really do it justice but it was a big strong one,

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the biggest hare ive seen in fortyodd years i saw last week in between biggar and peebles. this beast was a monster. i thought it was a roe at first glance. real good to see such a fine looking animal. wish i had my camera with me.

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i know you dog men wont like my picture but i have a picture of a hare and net in longnet section in thread called

Rabbit Sizes, Mesh Sizes?


the end pins on net are a 3inch ring with 8.5 inch spike.. compare that to size of the hare and you will see this is well over 2 ft stretched out.

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  On 30/06/2013 at 17:23, fitchet said:

Ok mate. This is the biggest ive ever had myself 5 mins away from my house. The pics dont really do it justice but it was a big strong one,


were see what he really got this year are take you to land were i showed you other day, cant wait to see him go :thumbs:

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  On 30/06/2013 at 17:37, salukixgrey said:


  On 30/06/2013 at 17:23, fitchet said:


Ok mate. This is the biggest ive ever had myself 5 mins away from my house. The pics dont really do it justice but it was a big strong one,


were see what he really got this year are take you to land were i showed you other day, cant wait to see him go :thumbs:
Im looking forward to it mate hes very up and at them they gotta be to kill them around here as you know so it ahould be interesting to see what happens when he meets a strongun on there. how you getting on with them pics ?
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Hares are defo smaller in the lowlands the hares we use to course 20 years ago :whistling: on lambourn where some of the finest creatures .

Problems is now alot have been taken with the rimmie and due to lack of coursing which I think help get them fit and strong plus cousring made sure only the strongest went on to breed


Even Johnny hare cat outrun a .22 :cray:



Edited by cookiemonsterandmerlin
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  On 30/06/2013 at 18:04, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

Hares are defo smaller in the lowlands the hares we use to course 20 years ago :whistling: on lambourn where some of the finest creatures .

Problems is now alot have been taken with the rimmie and due to lack of coursing which I think help get them fit and strong plus cousring made sure only the strongest went on to bread .

Even Johnny hare cat outrun a .22 :cray:



When i was keepering in lambourn we never shot many but the niebouring farms wanted every single one killed. Due to people driving the land. Atb

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  On 30/06/2013 at 18:09, fitchet said:


  On 30/06/2013 at 18:04, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

Hares are defo smaller in the lowlands the hares we use to course 20 years ago :whistling: on lambourn where some of the finest creatures .

Problems is now alot have been taken with the rimmie and due to lack of coursing which I think help get them fit and strong plus cousring made sure only the strongest went on to bread .

Even Johnny hare cat outrun a .22 :cray:



When i was keepering in lambourn we never shot many but the niebouring farms wanted every single one killed. Due to people driving the land. Atb


There was more subaru legacy per square mile in lambourn than any other part of the country :whistling:

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  On 30/06/2013 at 18:11, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:


  On 30/06/2013 at 18:09, fitchet said:



  On 30/06/2013 at 18:04, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

Hares are defo smaller in the lowlands the hares we use to course 20 years ago :whistling: on lambourn where some of the finest creatures .

Problems is now alot have been taken with the rimmie and due to lack of coursing which I think help get them fit and strong plus cousring made sure only the strongest went on to bread .

Even Johnny hare cat outrun a .22 :cray:



When i was keepering in lambourn we never shot many but the niebouring farms wanted every single one killed. Due to people driving the land. Atb

There was more subaru legacy per square mile in lambourn than any other part of the country :whistling:
Was sat up near combe gibbet last november was dozens of lamps flickering about.but it seems the lads looking for a run or two in daylight that get in the most shit. We let them get on with it if they were walking and many a keeper since has done the same for me ....



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