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.22Lr Subsonic And Supersonic Ammo

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I tried some HVs in my rimfire a couple of years ago and found them pretty crap. I found my groups open up to about 2.5"s from about 3/4" at 60yards which meant that even if they increase the range I couldnt hit anything anything with them anyway. Also the increase in sound is significant, moderator or not.


I have the exact same rifle as yours mate and the most consistent to be elay and winchester subs

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I would have thought that if you needed to use both subs and HV's without a re-zero, what you needed is a Burris Elimantor or similar that contains downloadable drop data in the scope.


What I don't know though is whether or not you can have more than set of data in it at any one time. If you can, you could potentially alter ammo profile in the field and on the fly provided it could calculate the zero from the other ammunition. If not, maybe someone should suggest it to Burris!

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stick with subs mate,when i started i was the same as you, but now having shot many things they are great out to 100 yards, as long as you can hit the target in the right place. they will kill any thing you may need to at that distance with a well placed shot....;)


rabbits have no chance, fox the same,its all about practise and confidence in your set up....


best of luck with it,by the way my cz 452 hates winchesters and likes CCI, every gun differs...:)





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Thanks for all the advise......


I think I will get a few boxes of Eley and Winchester 40grain subs to see which she likes best, and zero at 50 yards which according to Winchester ballistic calculator means ill be zeroed at 20, half inch high at 30 and 40, obviously zeroed again at 50 and learn the drop off up until 100 yards. and practise!!!


Will crack off the rest of these cci stingers i have here aswell...


Hopefully take some photos and report back my findings....



Edited by DeerhoundLurcherMan
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60 yards zero with Magtech subs was 100 yards zero on CCI Velocitors in mine in years gone by.


It isn't difficult to use 2 different types of ammo in the same gun without changing the scope, various reticles make this quite easy and all you need is a good memory or note book, others stick labels on the scope/rifle!


Just the same my .22lr has been a dedicated sub tool for many years. :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, i don't know if these bullets are for sale in the UK but i have a CZ 452 Left handed and i shoot Cci velocitor 40 grain and winchester 40 grain subsonic (blue box). Up to 50 metres the shoot exactly the same. At longer distances the subsonic starts to drop hard.

I have a hawke panorama 3-9x40 with 10x half mill-dot and that matches perfect to! At 100 metres the cci drops 1 mill-dot and the winchester drops 2 milldots when sighted in at 50 metres.

Gr Jacco

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Sorry i don't know how to change a post.. Forgot this: My dad shoots a brno which is the older cz 452 and matched winchester laser and magtech subsonic. So it is possible! We shoot both bullets and up to 50 metres they group within 1.5 cm from each other. My advice: Just buy allot of different ammo and start testing.


Gr Jacco

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I used to carry Eley subs and Remmington Yellow Jackets. Zeroed at 50 yards with the Eleys, the Winchesters zeroed in on a target at 80 yards, giving my Magtech semi that extra bit of range, but were a much noisier round. I had the mag painted to tell the difference, but rarely used it in practice. Today the Magtech is zeroed at 50 yards and use holdover rested to shoot the same distance and don't scare the rabbits. A bit like firing a catapult!

Edited by kenj
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For what it's worth, for live quarry I now only ever use Sub's, either Winchester or RWS, but I have 'discovered' GECO 40gr target ammo in my rimfire they are the most accurate I have ever used (Sako Finnfire Varmint), but are solids and pass through Rabbits without slowing down then ricochet all over Devon/Cornwall so not much use there!

However back to your original post, in my rifle a 'dead-on' zero with Sub's at 60 yards gives a spot on hit at 100 yards with Velocitor HV.

That's it!


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However back to your original post, in my rifle a 'dead-on' zero with Sub's at 60 yards gives a spot on hit at 100 yards with Velocitor HV.

That's it!


My experience exactly except for some reason Velocitors hit to the left(1.5"@100yds) through my CZ452 Silhouette.I do find Velocitors very accurate(also very noisy)through my rifle,hit about 2" high at 50-60yds compared to Winny subs.They are matched in accuracy,if not effect,by RWS HV in my rifle and some ancient Eley HV rounds produced the tightest groups @ 100yds I have ever shot.

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