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No Luck

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Well ive been out since about 6 o'clock this evening and had no and this is how

Now the setting for this little outing is my back garden a nice 3 acre paddock / field now if you sit in the kitchen you can see at least 3 or 4 each evening but I like to watch them and so does my family so there not really a proble but I've been fancying a rabbit roast so thought I'd nip out with the new ultra for her first kill

Not to start there were two bunnys sat along the hedge so I thought great got in to a nice kneeling position shoulder the little dream and place he hawke H-D Mildot cross hairs on the Sunday dinners head lovely 25 yards so just abou to pull the trigger and off he hops not a problem I thought his mate sat next to him about 5 yards further back so re adjust my aim and the bloody 2 ponys that I own not to my self pleasure but my old girls bolt out if the hedge and scare the second one away again not a problem as I know after a bit they always return so got to my favourite natural hide under a old oak tree that is a nice rest so have a little wait and a nice drink from the flask and after about half hour I gave up as I know there was a nice Sarny waiting in the fridge so goes and has me sarny looks out the back window and the other side of the fence on the neighbours farm (which I have free run and permission on ) is a nice 3/4 grown bunny sat nibbling the sweet damp grass great its deffo rabbit for tommorows roast I grabbed the gun that is sat beside me having a Sarny( unloaded of course ) a slow steady stalk and I notice the old girls Siamese cat in the tree line stalking the same bunny so the race was on I just set the gun in my shoulder when the bloody cat pounces and chases the bunny into the hedge well sod it i thought its bloody tesco chicken for tee lol

Well 3 rabbits seen and not one shot fired

Well there's always tomorrow

Sorry for dragging and baffling

Atb Tom :thumbs:

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Haha good write up mate, you win some you lose some!


just think .. if you get up early and shoot 'sundays roast' in the head first thing in the morning, it will be that little bit fresher than if you would have got one tonight :laugh::laugh::thumbs:


Thanks pal that's true a morning hunt it is always better the fresher thanks pal :thumbs:
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Mate you wouldn't be a true hunter if every trip out you came home with the goods!


That would be catching.. not hunting!!

That's right mate but what are u called if u don't catch anything anytime u got out haha lol ;)
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Hi tom your not the only one mate was out tonight saw about 20 rabbits in total but could not get close to them they all ran off as there was a bloody big buzzard flying around gave up and came home no use when one of them is about :cray: :cray: :cray: atvbmac

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Hi tom your not the only one mate was out tonight saw about 20 rabbits in total but could not get close to them they all ran off as there was a bloody big buzzard flying around gave up and came home no use when one of them is about :cray: :cray: :cray: atvbmac

Glad I'm not on my own lol

Yes mate there is a couple of them about here as well can be nice to watch but a pain when your shooting :thumbs:

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Hi tom your not the only one mate was out tonight saw about 20 rabbits in total but could not get close to them they all ran off as there was a bloody big buzzard flying around gave up and came home no use when one of them is about :cray: :cray: :cray: atvbmac

Glad I'm not on my own lol

Yes mate there is a couple of them about here as well can be nice to watch but a pain when your shooting :thumbs:


This one is a big :censored: i sat in the field watching it atvbmac

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