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Out Of Season

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it amazes me how thick people really are,......................wild animals hunt all year round ,........taking owned livestock, domestic and farmed ,...damaging fresh crops,...........

if you think in this day and age that people will stand and do nothing to protect there livelihood then think again........and this time of year does see a lot of damage , feeding off spring and rabbit numbers increasing creating more damage.......its a tough time when man and animal have a lot to loose........you don't need to know about this type of thing, surely its just common sense to think logically........

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if its on your permission and the land owners kicking off youve got to do it, but dont see the point in purposley going out to killing a couple of foxes early spring/summer (with a gun ofcourse :whistling: ) when 9/10 cubs might starve then leave yourself with no sport in the winter.

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it amazes me how thick people really are,......................wild animals hunt all year round ,........taking owned livestock, domestic and farmed ,...damaging fresh crops,...........

if you think in this day and age that people will stand and do nothing to protect there livelihood then think again........and this time of year does see a lot of damage , feeding off spring and rabbit numbers increasing creating more damage.......its a tough time when man and animal have a lot to loose........you don't need to know about this type of thing, surely its just common sense to think logically........

You would also have to be fairly well deprived of a touch of nous to not realise that rabbit numbers may need to be brought under control before the crops have been planted,to wait until the crops are being eaten and then mounting an attack on the culprits smacks of naiveness and lack of any real understanding of the ways of the countryside.Obviously new permission gained later in the year,to control said problem,won,t fall into this category,yet in all honesty how many use this as an excuse to vindicate their actions.

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Where possible I try and leave sport for wiinter night's. If you are under pressure from land owner it's not alway's possible so I used to show him the odd rabbit at

a distance which was alway's a few when we next spoke. As for the other "stuff" wouldn't touch them treated them like a crop wanting the max to be about those

dark night's.

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During summer I let the dogs kill rabbits just to keep them fit for the season (not like they kill anything else)

It,s impossible to keep a dog fit and ticking unless it hunts all summer?,there is no other way that can possibly keep a mutt in condition,priceless.

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it amazes me how thick people really are,......................wild animals hunt all year round ,........taking owned livestock, domestic and farmed ,...damaging fresh crops,...........

if you think in this day and age that people will stand and do nothing to protect there livelihood then think again........and this time of year does see a lot of damage , feeding off spring and rabbit numbers increasing creating more damage.......its a tough time when man and animal have a lot to loose........you don't need to know about this type of thing, surely its just common sense to think logically........

You would also have to be fairly well deprived of a touch of nous to not realise that rabbit numbers may need to be brought under control before the crops have been planted,to wait until the crops are being eaten and then mounting an attack on the culprits smacks of naiveness and lack of any real understanding of the ways of the countryside.Obviously new permission gained later in the year,to control said problem,won,t fall into this category,yet in all honesty how many use this as an excuse to vindicate their actions.


:laugh: my understanding is that rabbits soon move in to empty warrens and soon cause problems, ,......when young is about and mateing etc etc they soon fill up again ,.........if you have permission in one area and the surrounding areas are full of rabbits what you cant ferret ,.......what do you think they will stay empty.............?

if im honest I have more permission than I and me mate(s) can cope with and not enough time to do it all so we quite often have to make an appearance other wise loose it.........and you be surprised unless your constantly hammering the same places ,..........which a lot do because there usually easily places to ferret....keeping them down to a constant level it is hard unless your visiting them a few times a season , ......but like I said keeping everyone happy is the hardest bit,.........and sometimes farmers don't see there problems until they see the evidence,,,.......if they had grass with grazing then the rabbit population may not be that evident to them ,.but as soon as they put crop down the damage is more evident to the farmer and sees the damage more than he would on grazing land , call it what you like , farmers negligence , farmers incompetence of understanding the country side, what ever .............a lot of farmers will then try doing something about it at the time or when the cold weather comes.......they tend not to prevent precautionary but cure when the evident damage has all ready been done........so your understanding of the countryside is obviously better than farmers and mine......... :thumbs:

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Ill do a wee bit for rabbits on the golf course 2ins from my house , keeps the dogs in good nik , it feeds the ferrets and there kits and it gets the dog ferret out for a wee run as well happy days ) .

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pest control is dictated by the land owners needs, however sport is a different matter altogether, it don't do the dog any favours either running hard regular on solid ground with no give in it, especially young pups, better left until the crops are cut and the rains been and softened ground a little,

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