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First Hunt Tomorrow

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Just been up to my first permission , and to be honest it was amazing. 44 acres of mown grass perimeter edged with hedges with a centre of long grass small trees and bushes occasionally disected by more mown grass lanes. Plenty of fresh burrows too.

I've got my rifle ranged out from 10 to 40 yards and I'm getting 5 shot groups under a 1 pence piece at 30 yards.

So hopefully things will go well tomorrow.


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Nice one mate ive recentley secured my first permission, youll love it mate, ive only been a couple of times but im just getting to know the permission. Good luck with it tho mate, post some pics when you go next time and let us know how you get on!

Atb Mike

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Not a good hunt today. There are about 4 properties on my permission and one of them was having an all night party. So at 04.50 I'm out quietly stalking around rifle in hand listening to Michael Buble clear as a bell over 500 yards away, hmmph. Saw 5 rabbits none the less, 2 were too small, 2 were about 20 yards away but off permission and the closest one I could have bagged was back dropped 200 yards behind by the landowners house. Learned a lot about my kit and the permission though.

Firstly need quieter boots, (mine made flappy noises). Also need a rifle strap, carrying around a scoped HW100 with a bipod for an hour hurts your arms. Also on this permission I think some shooting sticks would work well.. Any how things can only get better.


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