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Kits Best Age For Leving The Jil

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hi all i am getting 2 kits from a mate i have a 10 week old terrier pup here and wonted the kits soon as so the pup can be around them but the lad i,m getting the kits from will not let me have them till there 12 week prob with this is he has over 20 kits so he;s not handling them much what age can i take them from the jill or do you have to wate till there 12 week


atb bigoy

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They need to be handled every day once their eyes are open: saves a lot of biting, hissing and scared behaviour. A kit that hasn't been handled by 12 weeks will need a lot of taming! Depends on the line of course, and some lines are more docile than others, but its the same as with a pup: then need plenty of socialising as early as possible. A lot of people won't let them go until they are 12 weeks, but they should be in with them every day, picking them up etc.

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You wont do it mate ,but if i went to see a litter of kits at twelve weeks and they where biting like they mean it i would walk away ,

Why isn't the breeder got them calmed down

and your just making problems for yourself in the long run ,all the hard work calming them down could of been done when they where much younger

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hi all i am getting 2 kits from a mate i have a 10 week old terrier pup here and wonted the kits soon as so the pup can be around them but the lad i,m getting the kits from will not let me have them till there 12 week prob with this is he has over 20 kits so he;s not handling them much what age can i take them from the jill or do you have to wate till there 12 week


atb bigoy


Would say 6 to 8 weeks as long as they're eating and drinking ok and give them attention everyday :thumbs:

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They need to be handled every day once their eyes are open: saves a lot of biting, hissing and scared behaviour. A kit that hasn't been handled by 12 weeks will need a lot of taming! Depends on the line of course, and some lines are more docile than others, but its the same as with a pup: then need plenty of socialising as early as possible. A lot of people won't let them go until they are 12 weeks, but they should be in with them every day, picking them up etc.

True about early handling. I've got to give it to Dogger on here, the kit I recently got from him was a blessing, it must have had the human interactions from an early age, good job, she's getting cheeky now haha but still it was a welcome change to the kits I've had in the past, one of which took months to calm down to a human hand.


I think getting a kit at 8 weeks is best especially if ypu will handle it more than the breeder. I wouldn't take one earlier simply because I like to litter box train mine and having them learn from mum that a corner is best makes life easier. Otherwise I don't see the point in the breeder keeping them to 12 weeks, especially if you think they are not getting the handling needed. Also a younger kit makes introductions to other ferrets easier in my mind.

Edited by GreyRake
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hi all i have pick up to 6 week old kits today and the man was spot on i was getting told he was not handling and he wont let them go from his mates misses whitch was not ture he has handle them and just wonted to make sure they was eat and drinking i will put some pics up later thanks for all the replys

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All my kits are handled in the nest with the Jill present every day from 2 weeks old, as they start to open their eyes I lift them away from the Jill again every dayand handle them as the Jill feeds, she seems to appreciate the time off! By eight weeks all my kits come to the hand to be handled and tummy scratched, never had a nippy kit since.

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All my kits are handled in the nest with the Jill present every day from 2 weeks old, as they start to open their eyes I lift them away from the Jill again every dayand handle them as the Jill feeds, she seems to appreciate the time off! By eight weeks all my kits come to the hand to be handled and tummy scratched, never had a nippy kit since.

Same here. Mine are 5 weeks on Tuesday and been handling them 2-3 times a day since 2 weeks. Hoping they will be very tame. My 3 year old loves then.

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