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Just Been Offered A Rifle For £30 ...

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Was hoping to find that it was an old hw77 or 80 ..


but it was not to be :cray:


infact it was a Chinese? underlever , with a missing back sight, scratched stock, rusty action . and half a tin of 'marksman' pellets



nearly laughed in her face! but had to refrain as it was my mums friend from the yard where she keeps her horse


I half cocked it and after grinding its way through the cocking stroke It was so stiff ..

after a sniff at a restoration project for £30 I didn't think it would be worth the extra money in seals grease blue and sandpaper and oil to even bother..


even thought about asking if I could 'take it out for half an hour' .. to go and try club a rabbit with it at the local dog walking rabbit hotspot :laugh::laugh:

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Was hoping to find that it was an old hw77 or 80 ..


but it was not to be :cray:


infact it was a Chinese? underlever , with a missing back sight, scratched stock, rusty action . and half a tin of 'marksman' pellets



nearly laughed in her face! but had to refrain as it was my mums friend from the yard where she keeps her horse


I half cocked it and after grinding its way through the cocking stroke It was so stiff ..

after a sniff at a restoration project for £30 I didn't think it would be worth the extra money in seals grease blue and sandpaper and oil to even bother..


even thought about asking if I could 'take it out for half an hour' .. to go and try club a rabbit with it at the local dog walking rabbit hotspot :laugh::laugh:



i met one of them chinese things at a range, was some ones pride n joy, well looked after and that, be he insisted i have a go to see what it was like and why he liked it.


my thoughts were.. hmm three stage trigger?


clunk it sears engage (or something clunked in place lol) i took up the first stage (absolutly nothing moved until i clenched it like an old black and white move guy snatching a big arsed machine gun) there was an all or nothing effect of about 6 or 7lb trigger weight CUNK! then the spring clunk CLUNK!!! as it luanched its way down the tube to a very loud but very posative CLANK and the pellet let loose with a triple dose of 'CLATTT' the kick was amaizing, not quite an old biakal side by side lolol!


three stage 'action' not trigger btw lol.


to ts plus side, it felt very robust...the sort of thing you could throw in the shed............literally.


i think you can fettle them up a bit, but it takes lathes and bits etc, it would narmally at least double the price, apart from no one would pay it.


the old edgar brother nose heavey guns seemed to be the suprime version, or its what the chines were modeling on..not sure, but thank gawd you saved your money and time for something more worthy :laugh: :laugh: :thumbs::yes:

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