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I've used this for years, and I've never had fleas or ticks on any of my animals

it also aids the digestive system, also brings the dogs ph down so goes some way to stop yellow patches on your grass

you can also wash your dog in a 50/50 solution as a flea wash and stops flaky ness


just google apple cider vinegar for dogs you may be surprised what you read, and its only cheap

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I used to use garlic, and onions in with the roast tray veg etc. until I read an article about a possibility of poisoning due to garlic and onions.

a small amount of garlic isn't bad for your the dogs, it is when it is digested in large quanties that it is harmful. It is in most comerical dog foods now.

Never have used acv as a flea and tick control, I have used it to help with the ph balance and I use it when I'm conditioning dogs to help get rid of the winter gut fat. We always use horse fly spray or we make up our own with a concitrated premetherin <sp> & we make up 2 different strengths one for the dogs and one for a yard & house spray as it also kills flys, wasps, and the balck widow spiders that like to make homes in the dog houses..

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