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Re homed a 4 year old sprocker dog he is magic getts on well with my jack Russell and no bother in the house

I can walk him for hours 5 being the longest yet and when he gets home runs about the garden still full of beans

I live in the middle of nowhere between 2 shooting estates so he going to be beating come the season

Anytime he in garden he runs round and round for hours

He gets fed once a day dried food with water and gets the usual titbits during the day

Any ideas of calming him down or is it just the breed

Cheers in advance

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Re homed a 4 year old sprocker dog he is magic getts on well with my jack Russell and no bother in the house

I can walk him for hours 5 being the longest yet and when he gets home runs about the garden still full of beans

I live in the middle of nowhere between 2 shooting estates so he going to be beating come the season

Anytime he in garden he runs round and round for hours

He gets fed once a day dried food with water and gets the usual titbits during the day

Any ideas of calming him down or is it just the breed

Cheers in advance



It`s not the energy of the dog that you need to subdue,it`s how you channel that energy.I am very dismissive of the statement that Spaniels die half trained,it`s more the case that the owner has failed to train the dog correctly,which is the case in 95% of all these Spaniel digs !

With you only acquiring the dog at 4 years of age,my advice to you is keep his hunting training pattern as tight to you as you can,and if this is achievable and the dog will also sit to flush then in my mind only then will you be able to go into the beating line.

But another tip i will give you is that,if you only intend to beat with the dog and not retrieve,then only train for the beating task.Don`t give the dog a reason to "run in" when theer is no cause to.It`s quite interesting seeing a spaniel work in the beating line that has only been trained to quarter and flush,as apposed to being taught to hold the dog after flush in the hope of a retrieve.....A lot steadier dog is found..

Train for your purpose..Don`t follow the dog training norm !!


PS: I don`t have a problem what % dog food i feed at any time,purely because the alien dried food is not the true diet of our domesticated hunting companions..


Stick in..

Edited by camokev64
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Your dog has a physical history of play/ energy release in the garden through its previous owner

They make associations with people places and things

I wouldn't stimulate the dog in or around the home or garden , by stimulate I mean even something as simple as making a fuss or exciting the mutt it's just adding energy to an already excited mind


Home and garden should evoke a relaxed state of mind , no stimulation

Try playing a few retrieving type games while out it will help form a group hunting bond with you and will also show the mutt where it can use its energy

As Camo says its not a food thing it's a state of mind issue

It's like bringing a dog into a field where he's already hunted , he has a physical memory of a certain activity in that area , we don't need to arouse him we need to keep him chilled out to get the best from him . Best of luck

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