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Sty and watched that and thought to myself would a rather be lying for half an hour getting bit by 1000s of ants or listening to his voice, I'd go way the ants.

I phone????.... :laugh:

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What a f****n prat !................Obviously never played the game......anyone whos ever had to spend time round ol bill would of been polite answered a few questions,gone away and got on with his da

This guy sounds like a f***ing wanker. Moaning faced arrogant little shit.

Admittedly the guy is cocky and a bit of a gobby c**t.   Fact is police don't know the law and he does.   Educate yourselves lads and don't let them shit on you.   I recently had 3 months of

thats the only language the filth understand.everybody round are way gives them dogs abuse.funny as fxxk when the 3yr old gives them the finger lol


Then we wonder why the Country is going to Rat Sh*t!? :blink:

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Admittedly the guy is cocky and a bit of a gobby c**t.


Fact is police don't know the law and he does.


Educate yourselves lads and don't let them shit on you.


I recently had 3 months of hassle, letters, phone calls because I wouldn't take a simple guilty plea for poaching. We battled it and we won.


People roll over to the boys in blue all too easy.

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I dare say a lot of people know a lot about the law without feeling the need to be a complete wanker. :thumbs:


A complete wanker is only a matter of opinion Walshie, what's not an opinion is he knew he did'nt have to open his door (just like the solicitor) or turn his engine off, once the copper had lied for a fanny stop..fancy the coppers all f****n off cause a wanker tells 'em to sling it..you'd hardly need to phone a friend to work that one out,



Yes, that is my opinion and I suspect most people's too. Maybe he didn't have to open the door, maybe he couldn't be charged with anything, but choosing to make a spectacle if himself is just cringeworthy. There's lots of things we don't HAVE to do, but still do them because we aren't arseholes.


I hope next time he's stopped the armchair lawyer isn't so squeaky clean and they throw the book at him. Just my opinion. :thumbs:

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Admittedly the guy is cocky and a bit of a gobby c**t.


Fact is police don't know the law and he does.


Educate yourselves lads and don't let them shit on you.


I recently had 3 months of hassle, letters, phone calls because I wouldn't take a simple guilty plea for poaching. We battled it and we won.


People roll over to the boys in blue all too easy.


That's a bit different though. I think if wrongfully accused of poaching most of us on here would fight it all the way, whereas if a copper chapped on the car window asking for some details for a simple PNC check i would oblige. Would take 5 minutes of your life, and if you're clean you're on your way! Those who don't share some simple details have something to hide IMO :yes:

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Admittedly the guy is cocky and a bit of a gobby c**t.


Fact is police don't know the law and he does.


Educate yourselves lads and don't let them shit on you.


I recently had 3 months of hassle, letters, phone calls because I wouldn't take a simple guilty plea for poaching. We battled it and we won.


People roll over to the boys in blue all too easy.

That's a bit different though. I think if wrongfully accused of poaching most of us on here would fight it all the way, whereas if a copper chapped on the car window asking for some details for a simple PNC check i would oblige. Would take 5 minutes of your life, and if you're clean you're on your way! Those who don't share some simple details have something to hide IMO :yes:

I see your point. But we were given the option to cooperate and take a roadside caution.


We said get f****d as we new they had nothing on us.


3 months, countless phone calls, several solicitor letters and 2 court hearings later... all charges were dropped.


I was just pointing out that on the surface we looked like "wankers" who were "being awkward" but we knew what the crack was and why take a caution when you can take a not guilty?


We caused a massive scene like he did and eventually got the same result.


He knew he was right and stood by it.

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I think its all about the way you say it.......everytime you see one of these clips they always sound like a right twat. Sort of c**t you work with and he is always quoting laws and "cant do this, cant do that".................Arsehole!!!

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I dare say a lot of people know a lot about the law without feeling the need to be a complete wanker. :thumbs:


A complete wanker is only a matter of opinion Walshie, what's not an opinion is he knew he did'nt have to open his door (just like the solicitor) or turn his engine off, once the copper had lied for a fanny stop..fancy the coppers all f****n off cause a wanker tells 'em to sling it..you'd hardly need to phone a friend to work that one out,



Yes, that is my opinion and I suspect most people's too. Maybe he didn't have to open the door, maybe he couldn't be charged with anything, but choosing to make a spectacle if himself is just cringeworthy. There's lots of things we don't HAVE to do, but still do them because we aren't arseholes.


There are no maybe's in it Walshie, you wont to kneel that's your own business.





Difference is I'd have been on my way in 5 minutes and this chump took a lot longer and looked a lot more stupid. Hard man my arse.

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