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My Jill has had kits and has been doing a great job but the last 2days has become very lethargic and looks week , could this be to the strain of the kits , she had no problems last season with helth and this is my concern , my other Jill is doing fine with her kits would it be wise to remove some kits to take the strain off her ... "She looks to be on her way out ", trip to vets is on but really looking for some help or advise .....

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  On 25/06/2013 at 20:10, alfhucker said:

My Jill has had kits and has been doing a great job but the last 2days has become very lethargic and looks week , could this be to the strain of the kits , she had no problems last season with helth and this is my concern , my other Jill is doing fine with her kits would it be wise to remove some kits to take the strain off her ... "She looks to be on her way out ", trip to vets is on but really looking for some help or advise .....

Could just be the strain of the kits I suppose. Did she have a large litter? how old are the kits?

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Kits will 4 weeks old tomorrow she's had 9 , kanigra I know I'm going to get it but I'm really concerned and there's a lot more people on here that have way more experience than myself with this kind and if I can't seek advice on here from fellow ferreters then this forum is a waste of time .....

For the ones that slate people on here over genuine questions I have no time for and there views are pointless I can understand with some silly questions but I would regard this as a matter of concern .. .... ... Not a hello I'm new to this and bought a ferret and have no idea what to do .....

Edited by alfhucker
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start if yo havent to wean the kitts pal, ill tell you same as i told this kanigra fella, try them kitts with as many foods as poss an water get them weaned an then get the jil some good grubb an rest, are her nipples hard?? anything else about her?

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I have been trying to ween the kits with some kibble soaked and mashed up but there not interested in it much ,

My Jill has just vomited all over she went to the water bottle and just put her nose to it as if she had no energy to lick the spout , I've put her a water bowl in and chopped up some rabbit , pigeon and liver but she's not interested at all ,,

Would it be ok to put the food with the kits and let her have a night off or would that be a risky move , I know this may sound cruel but she's a Foooking good ferret and I would sacrifice the kits just to keep her ..... Don't want to stress her out any more than she is but also don't want her to get any worse ........

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try the kits with all the diced food you have offered the jill mate, id leave her with kitts but id try me hardest to make sure them kitts started eating solids, it dont take much after the first nibble they know whats best for em, if you do decide to remove the kitts from the jill then make sure the kitts are doin toilet by themselves but at 4 weeks id expect tyem to be an to be well on there way to fully weaned, how advanced are the kits for there age?

Edited by Hot Meat
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Kits should be weaned on to fresh meat: rabbit preferably. Get a rabbit, gut it and chuck the carcase into the pen: kits will soon be eating that. Ours start sucking on a gutted rabbit at around 3 weeks old. Get some kitten formula (milk substitute) and mix it up for the jill. Could be she's lacking in calcium. Keep kibble in at all times, but make sure there's pigeon or rabbit in with them as well. Also make sure that the ferrets are not in the sun: put up shade if you can't move the pen and it is in the sun, and also make sure that they get enough air: don't know if yours are in a hutch or court, but ferrets in unshaded hutches can go down with heatstroke very fast: a court allows them to move around more, plus has more air circulation.

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I've moved some kits last night and my other jill is a star ..... she's taken to them fine ,,, put half a rabbit in for the remaining kits with my Jill , te court is well shaded and plenty of water my Jill has dropped off some more today been to vets and that was a

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hope the jill has survived.. . . watch the other for getting over worked..plenty of fresh flesh all round matey.


I have minced up loads of rabbits and wood pigeon breasts and put them into small ferret sized portions in the freezer..i now just drop them some in at night and by the morning its gone and there no flies hanging around on smelly dead half eaten carcasses.I leave them a constant supply of Dry complete but they very rarely eat any of that. . I have a Hob who will not eat any form of complete even after a week of nothing else.


good luck fella

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  On 26/06/2013 at 21:49, alfhucker said:

I've moved some kits last night and my other jill is a star ..... she's taken to them fine ,,, put half a rabbit in for the remaining kits with my Jill , te court is well shaded and plenty of water my Jill has dropped off some more today been to vets and that was a

Sounds like youre doing all you can. Hows she looking today?

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Thanks for all your help the Jill ( snowy ) is looking a lot better , the other Jill is doing fine with the kits pluss I'm putting Frech meat in on a night time to relive the stress of feeding from the Jill .

I really thought she was done for so week,, recon the worst is over and hopefully is was just over stressed , her poo is still not overly good slightly runny but was. Better than the water that was coming out on Monday .

Really big thanks for the help and advice I was proper in a tis

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  On 27/06/2013 at 18:43, alfhucker said:

Thanks for all your help the Jill ( snowy ) is looking a lot better , the other Jill is doing fine with the kits pluss I'm putting Frech meat in on a night time to relive the stress of feeding from the Jill .

I really thought she was done for so week,, recon the worst is over and hopefully is was just over stressed , her poo is still not overly good slightly runny but was. Better than the water that was coming out on Monday .

Really big thanks for the help and advice I was proper in a tis



good to hear that she is coming back around.

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