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fantastic day

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so today was our 1st ferreting day since I attended the NFR ferreting day, I had enough of everything, nets,ferrets,locator,shovels, and land

myself and daughter left home around 9am,

quick chat with the farmer on our arrival, and giving him the pidgeon netting I had promised him, he uses it to cover his fruit trees from the birds, and was told that we should do the warrens on the boundary fences, and that the other farmer was ok with it(hopefully future permission) we netted up a series of holes 9 ish, and i made the mistake of not netting the ones that looked like they had'ent been used in years, yup you guessed...... lost 4, so moved to the next warren, was using my jill "vixen" and she took to the job like a duck to water, and this time I covered every hole I was sitting by a couple of the holes when i heard the thunder underground and knew we had a rabbit down there, sure enough it came hurtling out like an express train and we bagged our first rabbit

another small warren, bout 6 holes and lost another rabbit due to a mis layed net, so after re fixing and entering vixen again we waited, although she eventually came out, i didnt use the locator(mk1) as it seemed to be giving erratick signals, my fault the batteries are at least a year old,

anyway decieded to enter my other half's hob "buster" to see if he could stir anything up, and sure enough he did, bagging us our 2nd rabbit,

we decieded to call it a day after that, not bad i thought for our first day out, alix loved it and has asked to come next time, she even helped lay and pick up nets, and carry the rabbits


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