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Ironically, the size could possibly be a benefit if you were digging above ground level, if that makes sense, eg into a bank. The only thing that puts me off is the plastic handle as I find I blister more easily with that than with wood. Ahhh, diddums! :icon_redface:

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Thanks for putting that up Darren, I was about to ask the same myself. I've always used a border spade in the past (otherwise known as a lady spade: oo er missus!) but was considering whether a longer narrower blade would be better. I've heard bulldog are particularly good.

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The bad thing about them draining spades is I doubt they would be able to shift much dirt from the hole. Might be able to dig ok but I cant see them being able to lift all the lose mud at the bottom.


I think a good roundmouth shovel is the best, I would prefer one abit longer than the B&F one, what if you get a 4ft dig, would be hard work, as it would be much deeper than the spade.


I have a shovel, round mouth with a slight point and have just bought a bulldog rabbiting spade of ebay, which Im yet to use.


Will try and get a up but the computer is playing up :wallbash: (usb drive not recognised, any ideas?)


H&J :thumbs:

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Just my opinion but i've never understood the use of short shovels, for me, your doin the same job as with a ordinary size shovel but with the shorter one, only making it a damn site more uncomfortable and difficult on poor ground. Soil is soil wherever you my find it! When all said and done it's the job your doing (digging) irrespective of the size of the animal your digging to.

Now a smaller head on a shovel does IMO make a difference with ferrets, you are not looking to make as bigger impact on the ground as with a terrier. I would always go for a 'solid' heavy cast type.......and yes, Bulldog manufacture great shovels and spades. :thumbs:

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Thanks for the advise Bosun :thumbs: . I need to get a new spade before the season starts as my previous border spade has a plastic handle (see above re blisters) and it has a D handle and I'm hoping a T handle will make it easier to carry the rabbits.

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