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Ferret Vitamin

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I dont use it personally....


But mine had some over the weekend....and they went mad for it....


Could do anything to them while they licked it off their stomach...


Main ingredients are soybean oil and olive oil? I think....


Wouldnt be too difficult to make...


Have used olive oil to good effect :thumbs:

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Despite the claims of 'vitamin suppliment'.....


Its useful for clipping nails....


And when doing 'ferret handling' with kids....keeps the ferts still :thumbs:


But only used it for the first time at the weekend....and it does seem to keep their attention.

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I got some of pets at home ferret malt paste stuff, just because I wonderd if they were having trouble with ingesting hairs, sometimes they sounded like they had something in their throat. Otherwise it was good for cutting nails and training them. Olive oil for me otherwise.

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I got given a bottle free gratis, For most part of the day my Ferts are running on paving slabs, never need to do the Jills claws, there always on the move.

But the Hob is a bit of a lazy sod, and sometimes I give his nails a clip.

Like what has been said, I just put a blob on his stomach, keeps him well occupied, and can trim his nails no bother.

this is the only time I use it.

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