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We still have a duty to other people, when it comes to our dogs behaviour truth is most people on here that know dogs, would know if there dog had aggression problems,as most working dogs are brought up properly,and most people who work them wouldnt let that situation arise,and at the end of a day why cant people walk there dogs off the lead,we are responsible for what our dogs do, and his attacked yours,the give away for me is the stupid expandable lead I allways avoid people with dogs on them things,hope the dogs ok mate,

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He is young and should forget it, especially if you get him back out and rebuild his confidence and trust in other dogs.


Its when they are bit older they remember.. Had young lurcher pup that got chased but aggressive dogs two nights on the bounce made it very flightly around dogs even with exposure work it still was wary.. I parted with the dog for other reasons and have been told it had no lasting effect it sociable and steady..


Its not always a bad thing, I dont like my dogs bounding up and sniffing other dogs, you never know if the other dog will sniff their arse and wag its tail or try take yer dogs face off..


The fecker with the extender lead should of realed his nasty mut in,when seeing your young dog..


Hope he is back to normal when he is healed.. Poor wee fecker..

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