mushroom 13,272 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 THL is religion bet all the MODS have a picture of Ian B they worship before bed Through Ian, with Ian, In Ian, In the unity of the holy hunting, All hunting and fieldsports are yours, O mighty hunter, For this season and next T . H . L. Catholics should get it Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I am a racist Link to post Share on other sites
sikastag_1 689 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 They are just pushing the boat further and further out, getting more arrogant and getting confident that they can do what they want, aswell as breeding like f***ing rabbits. The government don't know what they are doing the people who run this country are a total embarrassment to this country, out and out f****n morons, oxygen thieves that only care about their own and don't give a f**k about any of us most of these c**ts would sell their granny to win an election, and soon when the shit hits the fan it will be left to the people at the bottom ie us and our families to save our country once again. If it kicks off and I have no doubt if it carrys on like this then it will, I think once the line has been crossed and it properly kicks off it will be hard to stop, human rights pish live in your own country I never want to immigrate so I couldn't give a f**k if everybody in every country was sent back to their homeland. Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 i dont think for one min every muslim is a wide eyed crazy fanatic who wants to destroy the west.i also dont think that all muslims are involved in paedo sure there many muslims are digusted as much as we are,i also think the idea of living under sharia law in the uk horrifes a lot of them as it does us.its that kind of spin that put me off BNP and others like them. makes them look exremely thick and ignorant when they preach personally ill admit im a predjudiced c**t.i dont like any of the tribes ,and yes i know it holds no validity other than i cant see past the skin colour.and yes that also makes me pretty ignorant.but ive always been like that and ill never change now,and tbh nor do i want rather live my life and have no coloured friends or any contact with the c** sure they will be as much delighted with that as i am. but to band the line there all child molesters is just ridiculous and only makes you look stupid,and the people you are trying to convey your point across to.will only make them not take anything you say seriously.i cant tell who is the dangerous ones among the tribes there a f*****g lot of them hate us and our way of life,but to think they all are,just isnt true,however id rather not trust any of them just to be on the side of caution. I disagree with you on 2 points: 1) You're not ignorant for your post 2) You're not prejudiced for your views. You were just being honest and not advocating violence against them. As somebody said before you hit the nail on the head. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
chelsea 125 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 They are just pushing the boat further and further out, getting more arrogant and getting confident that they can do what they want, aswell as breeding like f*****g rabbits. The government don't know what they are doing the people who run this country are a total embarrassment to this country, out and out f****n morons, oxygen thieves that only care about their own and don't give a f**k about any of us most of these c**ts would sell their granny to win an election, and soon when the shit hits the fan it will be left to the people at the bottom ie us and our families to save our country once again. If it kicks off and I have no doubt if it carrys on like this then it will, I think once the line has been crossed and it properly kicks off it will be hard to stop, human rights pish live in your own country I never want to immigrate so I couldn't give a f**k if everybody in every country was sent back to their homeland. the shower we have running ours mate take some beating I think all the irish lads would agree with me on that Link to post Share on other sites
bullit666 5 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 It's like Hitlers f***ing convention on here. I thought us Brits were better than this. Link to post Share on other sites
sikastag_1 689 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 That's the problem Scot, you can't tell the good from the bad mate, the doctors of paisley who tried to blow up the airport, its impossible to tell, what they class as British citizens 2nd and 3rd generations still hate this country and preach what they want, some are bad, some intend no harm, fact is we can't tell the difference who's bad and who intends no harm, even if you take the actual older immigrants out, their offspring is here and preaching the shite, so for me the only answer would be go back a few decades lol 6 or 7 and if you weren't here then, then get on the boat. The world is a mess, everyone should go back to the country of our roots and sort out own land out. I think if you took the foreigners and immigrants, asylum seekers out this country. Except from drug addiction I think this nation would improve rapidly, thousands and thousands of business opertunitys for native people, aswell as thousands and thousands of jobs, I could see this country rising quite fast. The sad fact is it won't happen, some will think its already too late and some are to ignorant to realise the problem Link to post Share on other sites
sikastag_1 689 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 It's like Hitlers f*****g convention on here. I thought us Brits were better than this. No ones saying kill them mate, that would make us as bad as them the things these people have done is wirse than animals. Everyone is just concerned about their family and their country and the public are getting sick of the managers of this country messing it up Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Forget about repatriation its not going to happen Still with all the problems of society with immigration the Goverment will in January next year lift the immigration restrictions on thousand of Bulgarian and Rumanian citizens they have done a poll LOL and they say not many will come FFS they said only ,000 polish would come its more like 600 thousand. The Asians and Jamaicans were actively encouraged to come in the 1950,s 60,s and 70,s to do jobs that the British either didnt have the manpower to do or alternatively did not want to do so unrestricted access was given to Asians until visa restrictions were imposed in 1985 but the visa restrictions were easyto crcumvent . No rather than all the rhetoric of forced repatriation etc what should be done especially in the "Muslim " community who seem to be the brunt of most peoples anger is one to take direct action on people like Amjid Choudry, Saiful =islam in Luton etc inter the fuckers shoot them whatever but what does need to be investigated is what causes the British born and bred Youths to become so radicalised and to listen to c**ts instead of thier own parents and teachers a lot of converts to islam are becoming even more radicalised than some born Muslims why? may be some of the brighter anmongst you can throw some light on it. Why doesnt Qatada want to go to Jordon why do some choose to stay in Guantanamo rather than be returned to thier homelands the reason because they would not be allowed to spout the shit they are allowed to in the west and would have been executed Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Forget about repatriation its not going to happen Still with all the problems of society with immigration the Goverment will in January next year lift the immigration restrictions on thousand of Bulgarian and Rumanian citizens they have done a poll LOL and they say not many will come FFS they said only ,000 polish would come its more like 600 thousand. The Asians and Jamaicans were actively encouraged to come in the 1950,s 60,s and 70,s to do jobs that the British either didnt have the manpower to do or alternatively did not want to do so unrestricted access was given to Asians until visa restrictions were imposed in 1985 but the visa restrictions were easyto crcumvent . No rather than all the rhetoric of forced repatriation etc what should be done especially in the "Muslim " community who seem to be the brunt of most peoples anger is one to take direct action on people like Amjid Choudry, Saiful =islam in Luton etc inter the fuckers shoot them whatever but what does need to be investigated is what causes the British born and bred Youths to become so radicalised and to listen to c**ts instead of thier own parents and teachers a lot of converts to islam are becoming even more radicalised than some born Muslims why? may be some of the brighter anmongst you can throw some light on it. Why doesnt Qatada want to go to Jordon why do some choose to stay in Guantanamo rather than be returned to thier homelands the reason because they would not be allowed to spout the shit they are allowed to in the west and would have been executed intern them Muslims make up 5% of the population of Britain yet the already account for 25% of the prison population. how can you intern an ideology, a plague that infects at random without rhyme or reason. the only sure way to cure a plague is total eradication of the infected, followed by preventative measures to curtail reinfection Link to post Share on other sites
staffs riffraff 1,068 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Desertbred you come across as an intelligent man and seem to see it from both sides . What do you think needs to be done to stop this country descending into Balkans style violence or the dispicable shit that's happening in Syria? Can you blame the indigineous people from not wanting their country swiped from under their feet becoming second class citizens being targeted because they are British by people who wouldn't know where their next meal would come from if they didn't live in this country? Is it not normal for us to want our kids to grow up with their own kind in a culture that (mostly?) gave us the modern world. Some people's freedom fighters are terrorists to others so can you blame the people of this country from thinking about their future? Genuine question Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Forget about repatriation its not going to happen Still with all the problems of society with immigration the Goverment will in January next year lift the immigration restrictions on thousand of Bulgarian and Rumanian citizens they have done a poll LOL and they say not many will come FFS they said only ,000 polish would come its more like 600 thousand. The Asians and Jamaicans were actively encouraged to come in the 1950,s 60,s and 70,s to do jobs that the British either didnt have the manpower to do or alternatively did not want to do so unrestricted access was given to Asians until visa restrictions were imposed in 1985 but the visa restrictions were easyto crcumvent . No rather than all the rhetoric of forced repatriation etc what should be done especially in the "Muslim " community who seem to be the brunt of most peoples anger is one to take direct action on people like Amjid Choudry, Saiful =islam in Luton etc inter the fuckers shoot them whatever but what does need to be investigated is what causes the British born and bred Youths to become so radicalised and to listen to c**ts instead of thier own parents and teachers a lot of converts to islam are becoming even more radicalised than some born Muslims why? may be some of the brighter anmongst you can throw some light on it. Why doesnt Qatada want to go to Jordon why do some choose to stay in Guantanamo rather than be returned to thier homelands the reason because they would not be allowed to spout the shit they are allowed to in the west and would have been executed intern them Muslims make up 5% of the population of Britain yet the already account for 25% of the prison population. how can you intern an ideology, a plague that infects at random without rhyme or reason. the only sure way to cure a plague is total eradication of the infected, followed by preventative measures to curtail reinfection intern the radical preachers that are born here and deport the ones that arent you are full of critisism Paulus but a man of few ideas by the negatives you post Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 It's like Hitlers f*****g convention on here. I thought us Brits were better than this. really? dont see it myself.however with comments like that no wonder some BRITS choose to keep thier views silent. Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 (edited) Desertbred you come across as an intelligent man and seem to see it from both sides . What do you think needs to be done to stop this country descending into Balkans style violence or the dispicable shit that's happening in Syria? Can you blame the indigineous people from not wanting their country swiped from under their feet becoming second class citizens being targeted because they are British by people who wouldn't know where their next meal would come from if they didn't live in this country? Is it not normal for us to want our kids to grow up with their own kind in a culture that (mostly?) gave us the modern world. Some people's freedom fighters are terrorists to others so can you blame the people of this country from thinking about their future? Genuine question I dont have the total answer but people have every right to be angry at the present situation, immigration by all irespective of race religion or colour needs to be banned until answers are found, its an age old trick to scour information to support any argument especially anti islam which is the flavour of the year at the minute as some one said where is the topic about the peado teacher from yesterday or the two white scumbags who stole the disabled ladies car over in Ireland. i f the prisons are 25% full with muslims Why? One thing I am absolutely certain that the Racist spiel and approach solves sweet f**k all and as Paulus is very fond of pointing out the men in black suits who ever they are or even exist are quite willing to hold the status quo and let public anger be directed any where so the Democratically elected goverment can keep shafting the ordinary citizens . As Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world how will you curtail it Paulus you are full of shit. Nelson Mandela spent 28 years on Robin Island for being a terrorist or as he was a freedom fighter it was A white Dictatorial Regime that imprisoned him and that was the catalyst that Brought down Aparthied in South Africa. A severe problem exists and Enoch Powells rivers of blood speech was so right so why did successive Goverments allow this situation to arise now the Goverment is Again fingering in Syria and cant solve its own National problems.People complain about Masjids being built or buildings being converted the Goverment gives the planning permission and often provides grants to open them who gives visas to Radical preachers the Muslims or The British Goverment they create the quaqmire then when the shit hits the fan look for people to blame. In the the scheme of things Britain has tried multi culturism and it does appear not to be working why maybe instead of treating everyone as equal sucessive Goverments have given preference to immigrants above its own citizens but this applies across the board not just to Muslims and again it begs the question whos fault is that Edited June 23, 2013 by desertbred Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Forget about repatriation its not going to happen Still with all the problems of society with immigration the Goverment will in January next year lift the immigration restrictions on thousand of Bulgarian and Rumanian citizens they have done a poll LOL and they say not many will come FFS they said only ,000 polish would come its more like 600 thousand. The Asians and Jamaicans were actively encouraged to come in the 1950,s 60,s and 70,s to do jobs that the British either didnt have the manpower to do or alternatively did not want to do so unrestricted access was given to Asians until visa restrictions were imposed in 1985 but the visa restrictions were easyto crcumvent . No rather than all the rhetoric of forced repatriation etc what should be done especially in the "Muslim " community who seem to be the brunt of most peoples anger is one to take direct action on people like Amjid Choudry, Saiful =islam in Luton etc inter the fuckers shoot them whatever but what does need to be investigated is what causes the British born and bred Youths to become so radicalised and to listen to c**ts instead of thier own parents and teachers a lot of converts to islam are becoming even more radicalised than some born Muslims why? may be some of the brighter anmongst you can throw some light on it. Why doesnt Qatada want to go to Jordon why do some choose to stay in Guantanamo rather than be returned to thier homelands the reason because they would not be allowed to spout the shit they are allowed to in the west and would have been executed intern them Muslims make up 5% of the population of Britain yet the already account for 25% of the prison population. how can you intern an ideology, a plague that infects at random without rhyme or reason. the only sure way to cure a plague is total eradication of the infected, followed by preventative measures to curtail reinfectionhs not that simpleow itboth knut we ere intern the radical preachers that are born here and deport the ones that arent you are full of critisism Paulus but a man of few ideas by the negatives you post no need for ideas, the answer is simple, loose the 5% where the trouble is coming from and the problem will be eradicated. but we both know that will never happen due to the need for the suits to keep the world in turmoil or there vaults will not be so full. Link to post Share on other sites
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