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typical :thumbs:


Come on Paulus you can usually source the papers and editorials where is the one relating to the young girl in Dublin if it is right the "Boyos" will certainy wreak swift and deserved justice even behind the bars on the c**t who did it






i think all ov them should be burned at the stake simple.take the tragedy what happened in London(near London) a British soldier is be-headed in the middle of the street in the middle of the day and he stand there shouting Islam shit and whats done about it ???????? nothing.i think the easiest way to get rid of them is simple :gunsmilie: they shouldnt evern be over hear so as soon as they do a heinous crime they and there whole family should be fcuked off. and when i say fcuked off i dont mean sent home

I totally agree and the heinious crime and family should apply to everybody in the country and I dont mean sent home :thumbs:



next the racist card :hmm:


im not racist paulus i eat brown bread :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Torture the fuckk and send his family/friends/acquaintances/his entire mosque and their families back to the medieval shitholes they came from. Send a message seems to be the only thing Mussies unde

the paramilitarys are two busy selling the white powder to be worried about a paki there not like they used to be

i dont think for one min every muslim is a wide eyed crazy fanatic who wants to destroy the west.i also dont think that all muslims are involved in paedo rings. im sure there many muslims are diguste

Guest ragumup

paedos dont adhere to creed nor colour :thumbs:

Yes all peado's are filth ! but only muslims pass kids around other family members as sex slaves ...... the police are investigating 54 muslim rape gangs just now that equates to hundred's possible thousands of children its an epidemic .


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I work for a phyciatric hospital that 99% of the female patients have been badly sexually abused through their child hoods...that 99% are abused by their own family members fathers/grandads/uncles...and guess what 99% of them are white British girls abused by their own white British family members!!!!


Point being theres just as many filthy dirty b*****ds of our own as well as there is filthy dirty barstards of the others!!

Edited by Blaze
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yeah kill all muslims as they hate us.............. :blink: that talk makes us sound as bad as the scummy fuckers you talk about in the first place.......... :blink: believe it or not the average muslim does not want to behead you............the pair of kunts that killed lee rigby were just stupid crackhead niggers............ :yes: there nothing to do with islam.........just took to many hits on the crack pipe and ended up believing some stupid shit that the dirty paki kunt choudary says.............muslim exstermists are just a joke.........just laugh at the kunts for what they are............DIRTY THICK AS f**k SAND NIGGERS............. :yes::victory:

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yeah kill all muslims as they hate us.............. :blink: that talk makes us sound as bad as the scummy fuckers you talk about in the first place.......... :blink: believe it or not the average muslim does not want to behead you............the pair of kunts that killed lee rigby were just stupid crackhead niggers............ :yes: there nothing to do with islam.........just took to many hits on the crack pipe and ended up believing some stupid shit that the dirty paki kunt choudary says.............muslim exstermists are just a joke.........just laugh at the kunts for what they are............DIRTY THICK AS f**k SAND NIGGERS............. :yes::victory: dont believe,and if you do your as bad as them,average muslim etc there all the f****n same dirty evil peodo perverted dirty b*****ds that need sorting out before there left to take over.

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I was gonna try my idea of a solution.but after writing it and deleting it twice. i actually just think the country is f****d.there is no answer or way of living side by side when the beliefs are so different. Anyone actually got any ideas other than the typical reply send them all back? Troops coming home would be a good start IMO were wasting money supposedly helping others? Our own people need help.

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yeah kill all muslims as they hate us.............. :blink: that talk makes us sound as bad as the scummy fuckers you talk about in the first place.......... :blink: believe it or not the average muslim does not want to behead you............the pair of kunts that killed lee rigby were just stupid crackhead niggers............ :yes: there nothing to do with islam.........just took to many hits on the crack pipe and ended up believing some stupid shit that the dirty paki kunt choudary says.............muslim exstermists are just a joke.........just laugh at the kunts for what they are............DIRTY THICK AS f**k SAND NIGGERS............. :yes::victory:

The average Muslim may not want to behead us fine ill take that. It is how we their Islamic duty to call for the sharia law? This is where islam stops being a religion of peace and more political IMO. I bet money those killed lee rigby wasnt on any drink or drugs. They are extremists. Anjem has made a point on lbc not to long ago that I couldn't disagree with. The death of lee rigby had many feeled with anger. How would we all feel if our community was being killed by drone attacks?

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Guest ragumup


yeah kill all muslims as they hate us.............. :blink: that talk makes us sound as bad as the scummy fuckers you talk about in the first place.......... :blink: believe it or not the average muslim does not want to behead you............the pair of kunts that killed lee rigby were just stupid crackhead niggers............ :yes: there nothing to do with islam.........just took to many hits on the crack pipe and ended up believing some stupid shit that the dirty paki kunt choudary says.............muslim exstermists are just a joke.........just laugh at the kunts for what they are............DIRTY THICK AS f**k SAND NIGGERS............. :yes::victory:

The average Muslim may not want to behead us fine ill take that. It is how we their Islamic duty to call for the sharia law? This is where islam stops being a religion of peace and more political IMO. I bet money those killed lee rigby wasnt on any drink or drugs. They are extremists. Anjem has made a point on lbc not to long ago that I couldn't disagree with. The death of lee rigby had many feeled with anger. How would we all feel if our community was being killed by drone attacks

There's a pattern i've noticed that the islamists always start the trouble (rape murder etc ) then cry victim when the community turns on them ......as has happened though history and is happening now in Burma.....

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yeah kill all muslims as they hate us.............. :blink: that talk makes us sound as bad as the scummy fuckers you talk about in the first place.......... :blink: believe it or not the average muslim does not want to behead you............the pair of kunts that killed lee rigby were just stupid crackhead niggers............ :yes: there nothing to do with islam.........just took to many hits on the crack pipe and ended up believing some stupid shit that the dirty paki kunt choudary says.............muslim exstermists are just a joke.........just laugh at the kunts for what they are............DIRTY THICK AS f**k SAND NIGGERS............. :yes::victory:

The average Muslim may not want to behead us fine ill take that. It is how we their Islamic duty to call for the sharia law? This is where islam stops being a religion of peace and more political IMO. I bet money those killed lee rigby wasnt on any drink or drugs. They are extremists. Anjem has made a point on lbc not to long ago that I couldn't disagree with. The death of lee rigby had many feeled with anger. How would we all feel if our community was being killed by drone attacks

There's a pattern i've noticed that the islamists always start the trouble (rape murder etc ) then cry victim when the community turns on them ......as has happened though history and is happening now in Burma.....


Here is one for you, why are the words "racism and racist" even associated with Islam and Muslims, As far as i am aware you can not be racist to a religion :hmm: so attacks allegedly carried out on mosques or Muslims couldn't be racist or race motivated they would have to called religious attacks :hmm:

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then why is antisematism classed as a race crime in the uk it cant be because its based on a religion but it is on the staute as a crime of racism ?

its not, its classed as a "Hate" crime not racist

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It is a criminal offence based on hatred of a section of people and directly attributed to thier religion yet Jews are recognised as a race so you can bandy words about as to racism or hate crime the majority who seem to comment on here openly confess hatred for Muslims Pakis anyone with a different colour skinso attacks on Muslims and Islam should have the same classification or as usual double standards the post yesterday about the young gitl started with the words Christian Girl so is this a hate crime also or a blatant taking of human life which is a crime to try to provoke sectarian differences is also a crime is the division in Ireland not also crime based on religion also the hate crime refers to based on race religion or colour so the politically correct want to call it a "Hate crime what a load of Bo>>>cks

Edited by desertbred
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i dont think for one min every muslim is a wide eyed crazy fanatic who wants to destroy the west.i also dont think that all muslims are involved in paedo rings.

im sure there many muslims are digusted as much as we are,i also think the idea of living under sharia law in the uk horrifes a lot of them as it does us.

its that kind of spin that put me off BNP and others like them. makes them look exremely thick and ignorant when they preach that.

me personally ill admit im a predjudiced c**t.i dont like any of the tribes ,and yes i know it holds no validity other than i cant see past the skin colour.and yes that also makes me pretty ignorant.but ive always been like that and ill never change now,and tbh nor do i want to.id rather live my life and have no coloured friends or any contact with the c**ts.im sure they will be as much delighted with that as i am. but to band the line there all child molesters is just ridiculous and only makes you look stupid,and the people you are trying to convey your point across to.will only make them not take anything you say seriously.

i cant tell who is the dangerous ones among the tribes there a f***ing lot of them hate us and our way of life,but to think they all are,just isnt true,however id rather not trust any of them just to be on the side of caution.

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