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feeding raw ??

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Guest Bigbob

If i get a few i gut them, if im lamping and its 3/4 am i leave them till the next morning .And if i only get a couple i bring them home then gut them into a tub and freeze it to use as fox bait . :D

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I always gut rabbits and either leave in the lungs/kidneys etc or pile them all into a bowl and feed them all at once.


Birds I usually gut as well because on the odd occasion when I dont Im left with the gut and stomach contents to clean up anyway :sick: .

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I don't bother gutting, I read somewhere that the fert gets some goodness from the partially digested plant matter in the guts. Ferrets can't digest plant matter in it's raw form so get no nutrition from it, but when it's partially digested they can absorb some, and get some needed vitamins.

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I always feed everything whole. Doesnt do them any harm, there is nothing left of it in the morning so they must eat it and its no as though they are hungry either. I read somewhere too that part digested plant material was good for them as well. If they didnt like it they wouldnt eat it and mine all do.

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In all my time on this planet I've never seen a polecat queing in the butchers asking for something to be gutted!


From that I have deduced that they will only eat what they want to eat, and if that's part of the gut then so be it. However, I only feed flesh if I know how it has died, I would never feed anything from a kerbside - gutted or not.



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they ate the lot anyway theres hardly even a bone left i always gut my rabbits im going to be mincing them this year and what im not keeping for me the dogs will get mostly just give the ferrets the heads and scrapps and fish etc always give the liver to the dogs ra dont know if this is ok but they love it

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