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Barrel Temperature

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Does the temperature of the barrel have any affect on the accuracy?

If so how many rounds should you put through it to zero it in before compensateing for this?

I am currently shooting a Browning Medallion 22.250 (second hand) with tasco 6-24*50 (brand new). I started with Federal amo but this was very eratic and could not get a grouping at all. I was then advised to try Prvi partizan which at 100yrds was getting 1" groupings but only the first 10 ish shots then they start going eratic again. Any comments or ratings of the rifle would be appreciated and any advise on the grouping issue too. :icon_redface::icon_eek::signthankspin:

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I am suprised to hear that you have had trouble with Federal ammo as it is normally one of the best. My experience of Privi partisan is that they are of much lower quality. It may be a cleaning issue that is affecting your accuracy. "cold bore zero" is what you want if you are foxing (I assume that's what you bought it for). To achive this allow the barrel to cool between shots as it will move conciderably as it heats up. When you take a shot in the field it will be cold, so you need it to be as accurate as possible on the first shot. If you can't get decent results with any ammo (less than 1" groups if bipod rested at 100yds) you need to look into it being a barrel problem. 22-250's are prone to "burning" barrels as it is a hot round being very high velocity, and if it has had a couple of thousand rounds through it by the previous owner it might need re-barreling. This is pretty much worse case scenario, so check out all other factors first. Bear in mind that after a thorough clean it will take a few rounds to "settle down".

Hope this helps


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If your first 10 shots are within 1" at 100yds thats pretty damn good. It is highly unlikely that it is a barrel problem. It probably needs a good clean to remove copper build up as it might not have been done for a long time. It is possible that using Privvy partisan it may be an ammo issue as I would expect 1 in 6 to go wayward by as much as 6 inches :o .

I wouldn't take more than 10 shots without letting the barrel cool. you may burn it.

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:signthankspin: Thanks very much for your help as you can tell i'm new to this. :signthankspin: I think I'll start again I'll give the rifle a really good clean and buy a few different brands of ammo and see what works best this time allowing the barrel to cool. If you have any more tips any one it will all be appreciated Has any one tried/owned/fired a Browning Medalion as reading every post in the Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns I havent read a mention. :icon_eek:
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Guest baldie

Get yourself a bottle of good copper remover, like montana extreme, or butches bore shine, and a good carbon remover. Get the carbon out first, and then set to work on the copper with a good scrubbing with phosphor bronze brushes. You are in for some very hard work buddy, and hit the oaf who told you not to clean it round the head with a blunt instrument, because he,s an idle fool.

If its repeatedly had 10 shot strings of hot stuff like privi shoved down its throat, without proper cooling, and cleaning, there is a very fair chance its buggered.22-250,s will last longer than 2000 rounds, but ONLY with very careful use and proper care, the throat is virtually guaranteed to be firecracked [looks like alligator hide under a borescope]

If you can get all the copper out [no blue on a wet patch] there is a 50/50 chance it may shoot. Get some decent quality ammo, like hornady v /max, and preferably in a 50 grain bullet load, as all 22-250,s will shoot this weight, not all will shoot 55 grain bullets, and not all will shoot 40,s either.

However, always remember a target shooters idea of "shot out" is not the same as a vermin shooters. If any of mine wont hold 1/2" at 100 yards, i want to know why. If a "shot out" 22/250 can hold an inch, or just above, its still good enough for vermin, and will do the job, providing 500 yard shots arent taken.

If its never been properly cleaned, you may have to clean it 20 times to get all the copper out, and if its got to that stage, you need some JB bore paste, which is effectively, jewellers rouge, and a fine polish for the bore, which is easily done, and usually helps a worn barrel, but it is a last resort.

I,m gonna be brutally honest with you, and say, we dont buy, or a sell a used 22/250, in the shop, UNLESS, i can verify its history, 100%, because of the barrel life issue, and personally, unless i knew a guns exact round count, i would buy new every time in this calibre.

Good luck with it, if you need more help, shout up buddy.

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Mate your in for hard work as baldie rightly said. The oaf that told you this does he deal in gun's!!!!??????

I only asked this because i heard a gun dealer in this country telling a man the same thing, only i took the man to one side and told him differant.....

needless to say he wasn't a fulltime gun dealer only evening's i also heard him telling a lad that the hawke range of scope he had would do on this lads 6.5x55, :angry: if in doubt ask plenty of people to get the general consensus.

good luck with your job.......i don't envy you let us know how it goes for you

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:signthankspin: Thank's for all your advise i'm on my way to the gunshop as soon as I've sent this! (not the one that sold me the gun) to buy some bore cleaner i've gust phoned him and he's got some 901 in i think he said it was called, he also said every thing you all said so :signthankspin: again. Its all hes got at the moment and it's what he uses. It removes carbon and copper. Once I've cleaned it he said he will cast it (is this nessasary?) costs £15.

I don't think I've helped the situation by putting 10 rounds through it every time (Dick Head) :doh::doh::doh: Oh well thats what you get from jumping from a rimfire to a centre fire with no Knoledge..

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Guest baldie

I think he means by casting, he will do a chamber casting with cerrosafe, which is a low melt alloy, to take an exact impression of the chamber with. This is then measured, but its only of any relevance if the original chamber dimensions are known, and they arent. Its no good using SAAMI specs as the datum point, as its highly unlikely to have been chambered to these exactly anyway. A much better 15 quids worth, will be to have it checked by someone with a borescope, who knows how to use it.

I would give it a damn good fettling, then shoot some groups with good quality ammo, and see what it does first buddy.

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I'm back! Got some solvent it's called 009 ive soaked the barrell in it for 20mins then scrubbed it with a bronze brush then a patch then the brush then a patch untill the patch was clean Im gona soak it again later then give it another good reaming. But when i went to the shop i forgot my ticket so will have to go back and buy some ammo any recomendations other than the one mentioned in the other post. You know when i'm tring new ammo do i just take three shots check out the grouping then wait an hour and do the same with another brand and so on and see which produce the best grouping then hey presto you've found the right ammo????

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DEAD EYE, the way i find a bullet that my gun likes is to shoot four, five shot groups or 20 rounds After five shots clean with a bore snake let the barrell cool for about 10 mins, five again etc clean, then you get an accurate idea of what kind of grouping your getting, if you only shoot 3 shots of one group you could pull a shot etc. or have all three grouping good then think there great only to find the next time the result's are not the same.

the 22-250 is a fickle weapon, i used to have one the same as my friend only they didn't like the same bullets,

he used the the 68 grain hornady's and i found i could only shoot the 40 and 50 grains nothing more, strange i know, both the same weapon, make calibre, ???????????????? :blink: ANYBODY know why this is? i'm thinking slight differance's in the barrell anybody concur???

ansewers on a postcard. :icon_eek:

i'd try the 50g as they were shit hot. 50 grain v-max b.c.242 box no. #22261 if you reload

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