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Worming Ferrets

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i do worm but i only worm kits when i ween them and the only reason is because it can be stressfull and i have seen worms passed(very occasionnally mind) but i did worm the lot once upon a time but the older ferrets never seem to pass anything so i just dont bother anymore i just keep an eye on stools.

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Due to the fact of a ferret having a very fast digestive track, approx. 3hrs this give any worms that they might pick up during feeding no chance to getting hold, in the 8 yrs of running ferret rescue and having an American expert over to take samples both myself and him (BoB Church) have never known of worms in ferrets.



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Due to the fact of a ferret having a very fast digestive track, approx. 3hrs this give any worms that they might pick up during feeding no chance to getting hold, in the 8 yrs of running ferret rescue and having an American expert over to take samples both myself and him (BoB Church) have never known of worms in ferrets.



just to clarify are you saying that bob church has said he has never known of worms in ferrets?????


the reason i ask is because according to a dr Erika Matulich Ph.D fancy publications ,volume 2,number3 may/june 1999 goes into detail about how ferrets can be infected by hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and fluke.


I have found worms in a dull looking litter of kits a few years ago which i wormed and as precaution i worm all my kits before they leave me.


I do respect that bob is well involved in studying ferrets and im by no means trying to discredit him or yourself but as a rescue centre the statement you have made above gives people the impression ferrets cannot get worms which is just wrong and leeds people into a false sense of security regarding worming.

Edited by lor123
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  • 1 month later...

sorry for the late reply but both bob church ( An americian ferret expert) and Erica (vet who specialises in small animals) came over to my house about 5 yr ago on a world wide tour collecting data for ferrets taken tool samples as well as measuring each ferret, they said that over the years they have heard of worms but all ferrets with this were reared reared in Marshall farms in the united states and that they had no evidence of it, and that no ferret they had checked in in uk/europe had ever shown any signs of worms, they also reported that about about this time when they were here there was supposed to be an out break of ECE but said they had only came across one ferret with the disease and a handful that was carrying it.



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