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2Lb Spuds, Carrots, 2 Magpies And A Bunny!

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Decided to try the new permission this evening. Walked round and stood by a row of conifers, saw a magpie hopping through the briars (the hedge seems to be apple tress about 14 ft tall with briars holding them up). I lined up fired and the nest robbing basket dropped! My first magpie. Slight problem, it dropped in the middle of the briars which looked like a cross between razor wire, broken glass and dragon's claws!


Had a slight problem with the Super 10, did not do the air bottle up tight enough, so no air! Panicked, rushed home, then solved the problem and went back. Got into position where the rabbits were reported to come out and lo, one popped out of the nettles, looked round and caught a Crosman Premier Ultra Magnum! That is cleaned and returning to the property from whence it came, to give the old couple who own the property a nice dinner!


Walking through the farmyard I spied what might have been the mate of the magpie I dropped earlier, I managed to get into a firing position and gave it one between the shoulder blades, then it fell in the middle of the same damned briar the first one did. Oh exclamation marks! Anyway not a bad few hours, nice rabbit and 2 nest robbers removed!



Edited by secretagentmole
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