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That's inside a shed ant but if you put up a sheltered bit on one end so the birds can get out the wind and drafts and the suns heat and put in some conifer or other cover for them to tuck into then native finches and canaries reared outside do cope just fine with our weather.You can also get some netting or even some clear plastic sheets to put over the front during the windier and wetter months for some extra protection. :victory:

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yes me little aivery is inside me potting shed so they should be fine through the winter, i keep my other birds in the other shed , ive been bathing them every couple of days , but if you recomend more then i will give them it every day :thumbs:



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You done a good job there Mick the chicks seem to be content how's the red factor chick doing?


red factors ar doing well rex , got a hen for me red/ black cock aswell , hows them goldies ?
Nice one Mick hope thay do well for you mate.goldies are doing fine mate settled in well
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