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They won't do anything for actual performance.


What they *may* do is help the body take protein from the diet and turn it into muscle. It occurs naturally in the diet anyway, and this process happens all the time. There is no real evidence it makes a huge/noticeable difference to a dogs muscle/exercise ability/end performance.

If you are feeding a low quality protein ( cheap dry, with feathers/beak/feet/fish leftovers as the main protein source ) then no it probably isn't worth it, as the quality of stuff absorbed from the gut is going to be low. If you are feeding high quality meat/feed then you are unlikely to need it.


Bear in mind that too much creatine added to the diet can lead to kidney and liver problems, as it is turned in creatinine, which has to be got rid of the body as a toxin.

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Likely to give a little extra speed/power for the first 100 mts on one or two runs but unlikely to have a positive impact after that with no increase in stamina and as increases weight may actually have a negative impact.

Perhaps better to just get your dog fit with exercise and work unless you just race at lurcher shows.

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