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Stuart Hall Sentenced

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how many have gone before him and got away with no punishment ?


Country is messed up and being run by a load of weak bellied bum boys who are all sucking each others dicks one way or another.


this is just another fine example of why the average man in the street is walking with his head down in despair..all hope is lost when we see this happening on our very own doorsteps.

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There going to review the sentence as people are complaining its not long enough. Quite right too.


Absolutely right. And there is an "alleged" rape that had been put on file but not accounted for in this sentence. I doubt they will increase the sentence. It's probably just talk to quiet the masses.


Thing is, if they don't increase the sentence, the next nonce who gets convicted will be able to say "I only fiddled with 10 kids so I should only get 10 months."

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