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Stuart Hall Sentenced

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Pedo Hall has been sentenced to 15 months for 14 sexual assaults on kids. His brief said his offences were at "the less serious end of the scale." FFS. :censored:


One month per child's innocence stolen is no way near enough. Let's hope when the other nonces are sentenced, the sentences reflect reality a bit more.



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like the parasitic politicians before them,who happen to find themselfs in jail.they will be treated diffrently than anyone else.

this paedo ring stinks to high heavens.wonder how many high court judges and prison governers were partial to abusing kids.15month ffs im suprised they didnt tag him and put under house arrest. justice lol the c**ts wouldnt know justice if it jumped up and slapped them in the face,

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not only that,what type of message is that sending out,to the upcoming child molesters. touch up 14 kids and get less than year.some clever lawyer should appeal that sentence,make a big holy f***ing stink about it.

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heard this on the radio & nearly f****n choked anyone passin me on the moterway

would of thowt i was nuts rantin to myself in the car. ffs it ain't even 2 month a child

he'll do 1/2 so i hope he gets kicked to feck every day.the cnut should of rotted in

there for the rest of his natural.don't know why they feckin botherd,it's a feckin


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