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I've recently started feeding my 9 month old bull pup a raw diet, im feeding half a pound of meat in the morn with a chicken carcass and the same at night, changing the meat between chicken,beef and tripe. Also been giving her an egg every couple of days and tin of sardines once a week, aswel as this she gets any left over veggies off our plates. Any suggestions of anything else I should add? Cheers

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Sounds pretty good, though you may want to add some wholemeal bread or cooked brown rice as carbs. Young dogs need a lot of energy, and although dogs use fat as their primary energy source, they can use carbohydrate as well. Brown rice or bread is a good source of fibre too: stops them getting constipated. Some lamb ribs go down well too from time to time: if you can get them cheaply or for free from your butcher. The adult teeth will be embedding roots deep into the jaw at this age: a secondary chewing stage, so make sure the pup has opportunity to satisfy the chewing urge!

Make sure there is enough fat in the diet as well. If the meat and tripe is fatty that's fine.

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Sounds pretty good. I try and vary liver/kidney/tripe, to ensure a good mix of vitamins etc, and just keep an eye on weight and what the poo is like - alter the bone content and oil addition accordingly.


I found once mine had got used to the idea of tinned sardines, they were more than happy to eat raw oily fish from the shop - much cheaper. I then just add cod liver oil ( brought in bulk 5L container from the local equestrian shop ) to the food bowls, about 10ml per dog.

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As far as offal is concerned, I feed some tripe ( once or twice a week at most, it isn't as nutritionally as rich as other meats ) and then add liver and kidney weekly - a meals worth ( so 2-3 % bodyweight ) each week. Heart is still muscle, rather than true organ meat, so I feed more of that than liver/kidney, but the main is beef/lamb/chicken skeletal muscle and chicken carcass. My lot love chicken wings, raw sardines, lamb ribs, and ox tail for the bone part of the diet. They don't seem to like pork raw, but will chew on ears and trotters happily. I add pasta/rice when I have spare stuff, but I don't give them much in the summer. In the winter it is useful for weight and energy when they are working harder.

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Dogs do not assimilate carbs very well, i have no veg,rice in any of my dogs diets, ox tail is excellent but why so expensive.

carbs are cheaper than protein as a general rule, so i tend to substitute carb for protein when the don't need so much , like the summer when there work load is reduced.

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