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I've seen similar advice several times and always scratch my head when I see it. If your lucky enough to get a fox into a trap once then catch him. Why would you get him into the trap several times a

have the cage trap as large as possible around 6ft is good, bury the bottom of the cage under soil, if its a double entry leave both entries up,even if a single entry, leave them open for a few days

Most effective bait I've tried is pigeon. At least round here it is.

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tin of cat food cheapest are the best as they are usualy very smelly and set trap to catch from day one put some cat food in a plastic bag and hang on hook so it has to pull at it and make sure it is of the botom of trap so it will not attempt to drag it or dig under to get it

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Guest foxpack

stay away from factory built traps..we had 1 set for months ,changing baits etc.just seemed to small.a local pest control guy made us one ,within 2 /3 days we had old charlie boy in,trap he made was 6 feet lomg 3 ft wide 3 feet high.treadle mechanism or pulley .very very effective for the nuisance foxes.bait we used were roe heads ,heart.heads of most animals.pheasant carcasses are a winner.. :thumbs:

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2,045 trapped foxes 1 year.......

we always would let the trap settle for a couple of days tie the door open so that it cant go off, then with some cheap tins of dog food create a trail in from 2, 3 dorections to the mouth of the trap tie the bait (trap unset) to the back of the trap so the fox will think it has to tug the string really hard to get the prize. then on night of setting lay a trail about 6 foot from front of trap all the way to the bait. bingo. i always use chicken drumsticks. just because you can tie it off to the bone easily and securley and they love em.


best of luck... still gets me when i go check and the doors are down :)



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I would take that last post with a big pinch of salt.

Just my honest opinion.


why been trapping foxes as a living for enough years.. whats ur argument....


why been trapping foxes as a living for enough years.. whats YOur argument....


cant work out why you would say take with a big pinch of salt............................ thats my argument....

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have the cage trap as large as possible around 6ft is good, bury the bottom of the cage under soil, if its a double entry leave both entries up,even if a single entry, leave them open for a few days baited so the foxes can take the bait with no problems, then after a week or so set the trap to spring when bait gets taken, hope this helps fts

I've seen similar advice several times and always scratch my head when I see it.

If your lucky enough to get a fox into a trap once then catch him. Why would you get him into the trap several times and then decide to trap him ????

Think about it ????


aint that the truth .....I look at the idiots who say they don't set it to get use to the trap.........if its in its fooking inn..........dopey cnuts

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2,045 trapped foxes 1 year.......


we always would let the trap settle for a couple of days tie the door open so that it cant go off, then with some cheap tins of dog food create a trail in from 2, 3 dorections to the mouth of the trap tie the bait (trap unset) to the back of the trap so the fox will think it has to tug the string really hard to get the prize. then on night of setting lay a trail about 6 foot from front of trap all the way to the bait. bingo. i always use chicken drumsticks. just because you can tie it off to the bone easily and securley and they love em.


best of luck... still gets me when i go check and the doors are down :)


where you from mate ? as thats a lot of foxes about 6 a day every day of the year and the pic you posted dont seem to be of red foxes, where the foxes trapped in those cages in situ or did you line them up for the pic?

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