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no giro hes never covered any bitches.i been ask a good few times over the years and always said no hes not up for stud...but if anyone wants to use him .and they can get 4 people on here to vouch for there bitch and are breeding for themsevles and give me there word they wont sell the pups for more then £100 then they can have a free line. i would like to see some pups out of him now,.


i think his best attribute was running hares daytime on small land fields with cover fences ect .he really did excell in that.and i would go as far as to say hes the best dog i have ever seen at that,

a big statment i know ...but hell he could find a hare and run it down.



















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this old lad.been a good honest animal for me.               hes done all of the above except the ferreting.god i hate ferrteing.lol   best hes done on the fen was 4 out of 5. in decem

no giro hes never covered any bitches.i been ask a good few times over the years and always said no hes not up for stud...but if anyone wants to use him .and they can get 4 people on here to vouch for

yes he loved teeth . tough as old boots harder he got bit the more he wagged his tail lol.a few lads on here have been out with this dog.lamping and day time.hes also met mister right on the fens a

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I will let my pal know.. He has the sister to my white bitch..


We tried and failed to get pups with Jims Snipe..


Shes a old bitch and never really had a full season.. Maybe wont break down again, but its good to know if she dose..


He would suite the land and type of work we do up ere :victory:

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pre ban 1980s collie grey x saluki grey did all that was put in front of it i put a photo up of the dog on a fox got warning points and 3 day ban so not doing it again best dog i have owned and had a few over the years day or night and liked a days ferreting.atb



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pre ban 1980s collie grey x saluki grey did all that was put in front of it i put a photo up of the dog on a fox got warning points and 3 day ban so not doing it again best dog i have owned and had a few over the years day or night and liked a days ferreting.atb



Awesome looking animal and I've heard alot about him. If he was still alive I would be putting him straight over my sal/whip/grey bitch.

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no giro hes never covered any bitches.i been ask a good few times over the years and always said no hes not up for stud...but if anyone wants to use him .and they can get 4 people on here to vouch for there bitch and are breeding for themsevles and give me there word they wont sell the pups for more then £100 then they can have a free line. i would like to see some pups out of him now,.


i think his best attribute was running hares daytime on small land fields with cover fences ect .he really did excell in that.and i would go as far as to say hes the best dog i have ever seen at that,

a big statment i know ...but hell he could find a hare and run it down.


Picture 002.jpg


I think you should swap the "get 4 people on here to vouch" to "let me see the bitch working" :thumbs:









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never had a dog i could call an all rounder , hopefully in the future that will change ..


but with a bit more effort put in by me when bringing the above fella on , that might of been differant , he can do a bit of everything but isnt an all rounder , more jack of all trades :thumbs:

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never had a dog i could call an all rounder , hopefully in the future that will change ..


but with a bit more effort put in by me when bringing the above fella on , that might of been differant , he can do a bit of everything but isnt an all rounder , more jack of all trades :thumbs:


I like the honesty mate and the dogs looking pretty handy too.

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Starlight was without doubt my best all rounder: even went ferreting a couple of times, but not really her scene: too much waiting around just for a bunny to pop out into a net :laugh: Coursed every week when she was young, regularly catching 3s and sometimes more. Foxes she loved, lamping: brilliant, and general all round hunter: superb round cover: when she heard a gun go off she was up and running to where she'd heard the shot knowing that a fox was there: could be a tad embarrassing though as she usually scented the fox before it exited cover and got there before a shot could be fired.

RIP grand old bitch.




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Starlight was without doubt my best all rounder: even went ferreting a couple of times, but not really her scene: too much waiting around just for a bunny to pop out into a net :laugh: Coursed every week when she was young, regularly catching 3s and sometimes more. Foxes she loved, lamping: brilliant, and general all round hunter: superb round cover: when she heard a gun go off she was up and running to where she'd heard the shot knowing that a fox was there: could be a tad embarrassing though as she usually scented the fox before it exited cover and got there before a shot could be fired.

RIP grand old bitch.




What was in her breeding penny?


I can see saluki. Collie aswell?

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All sorts! Grandmother was my first cross Deer/Grey, put to a small lurcher from Merlin/Eve lines, then back to another coursing dog, breeding unknown. She came from a very mixed litter indeed: had a brother who was 29": amazing dog he was, sadly killed at 2 years old. No Collie as far as I know, but there was all sorts in the old coursing lines wasn't there.

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My bitch xena would happly have two or three of her about great worker drives me crazy sometimes think shes being lazy but if ssomething is about she has usually put it up and caught it good on the lamp around the kennel very layed back



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