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There are always threads on here looking for photos of dogs of a particular cross, colour, job, coat, size etc.


But let's see some good old fashioned all rounders. Regardless of shape, size, colour or breed.


The dog that would do it all, turn its hand to anything. Ferreting one day, coursing the next. Then lamping foxes another night and running deer another. Equally as happy doing either task or just sat by your feet at fishing.


Obviously I'm talking Preban here :thumbs;

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this old lad.been a good honest animal for me.               hes done all of the above except the ferreting.god i hate ferrteing.lol   best hes done on the fen was 4 out of 5. in decem

no giro hes never covered any bitches.i been ask a good few times over the years and always said no hes not up for stud...but if anyone wants to use him .and they can get 4 people on here to vouch for

yes he loved teeth . tough as old boots harder he got bit the more he wagged his tail lol.a few lads on here have been out with this dog.lamping and day time.hes also met mister right on the fens a

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this old lad.been a good honest animal for me.











hes done all of the above except the ferreting.god i hate ferrteing.lol


best hes done on the fen was 4 out of 5. in december


best nights lamping bunnies on his own was 64.


maybe not top class but a real good hinest dog..

hes hunted from up scotland to down south.

never embarrased me once.all ways gave 100%









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yes he loved teeth . tough as old boots harder he got bit the more he wagged his tail lol.a few lads on here have been out with this dog.lamping and day time.hes also met mister right on the fens a few times.and got dragged all over the fen..lol and never looked like jacking a massive heart hes was no fen dog .but put more in the bag down there then some bred for the job..


his sire was 3/4 saluki grey.his dam was a lamp bitch with allsorts in her not much to look at

but could put a decent bag together..like i say maybe not top class.but a real good honest dog.

when he ran a hare he could run clever.on the lamp if the bunner ran into the thick cover he would come out with it more times then not.and loved day time roe.which are no push over..

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This one has been the best allrounder ive had.

Taken all quarry both on the lamp and day time. Lovely dog to have about. Mad for deer no matter how big. Will find fox and deer well enough. And since ive owned him the ferrets must be sick of partridge and pheasant.






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This one has been the best allrounder ive had.

Taken all quarry both on the lamp and day time. Lovely dog to have about. Mad for deer no matter how big. Will find fox and deer well enough. And since ive owned him the ferrets must be sick of partridge and pheasant.






Is that coursing bred?

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This one has been the best allrounder ive had.

Taken all quarry both on the lamp and day time. Lovely dog to have about. Mad for deer no matter how big. Will find fox and deer well enough. And since ive owned him the ferrets must be sick of partridge and pheasant.






Is that coursing bred?

Yes mate his sires buddy so i was told. End of last season i took an old bloke out for a walk with him. The feller didnt bilieve he was coursing blood as hes never seen one use its nose lol


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