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I'm fairly new to rabbit hunting, and I was wondering if there is a correlation between the amount that the rabbits kick, after being shot, and the shot placement/ the power that they were hit with?


(Obviously I talking about clean kills) I hope this isn't a stupid question!

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sub 12fp's, it depends what theyve 'preloaded', it's like a cat sat watching the road, its preloaded to run across, but it knows the cars are comeing so it sits and wags, then for no reason something triggers the 'run accross the road' and gets splatted..


the pellet hits the rabbit and what ever was loaded 'to go' or 'hop feed' 'play mode' etc gets fast fed into the nervous system irrispective of brain beeing present or not. (headless chicked running around).


i think with higher powers and calibers the 'trigger' (i.e.lead through the head) sort of gets disrupted by the shock of a larger heavier lead at much more velosity so kicks less.. but even after saying this a lot still do the one bound or the kick about thing.


theres actualy a hting where the dying or dead rabbit would exspire in a second or two, but some one goes bounding after and that triggers the nerve message, or just makes the bnny pump more adrenalin so off it goes to perish at the next stop..

another is picking up a head shot, the ears are floppy so its dead..but a knock to the head part and the nerves trigger the kicking, at the exstreme the odd one can be sort of 'remotly triggered' by breaking kneck..everything you do just sprks it off again...(even though its definatly dead), its rare though, probably as rare as animals or humand literally having no brain in the skull cavity..it's real enough, th ehumans have actualy lived full lives, got degree's etc, but come the autopsy there no brain in there. (it freeked a few victorians out in their day lol).


its one of those finite pellet placement things you do subcontously to get the least fuss kill shot...experience.

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Dont know to be honest shoot one it falls like its pole axed shoot another one and its a brake dancing champion i think its all to do with the Adrenalin being released as the pellet hits home

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I met a 16 year old kid some years back who suffered severe epilepsy. Violent, thrashing, danger to himself stuff.

He had an operation and they removed 25% of his brain mass. I saw him about 4 months after the op, and he was fine but had slurry speach. I saw him again about one year later and you could not tell that he sufferred any problems whatsoever. Perfect speech, bright, alert, normal kid! And the bonus was he'd had a massive reduction in fitting and they were much reduced in their severity.


Brains are very clever but odd things! I like the suggestion about "preloaded" reactions. I think a lot of animals are very reactive, it's in their nature in a way that it's not for us.


I shot a pigeon last week through the head, when I got to it it had got itself upright just as if I'd decoyed it. I could see it was alive, but I could also see through it's head! I hasten to add this was within a short space of time though, I twigged it wasn't quite dead somehow and went to retrieve it pretty quickly! It resisted when I picked it up and despatched it. Pretty amazing given what little brain must have been still there!


According to all reasonable suggestions of humane despatch by airgun I couldn't have done much better for this pigeon! Shot placement and range were ideal... yet still it lived! It's just something you have to accept will happen on occasion?

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if I can I always go for a neck shot on a pigeon if you can disconnect the brain from body I find there's not even a flutter they drop like a stone as there's no preload the pigeon wasn't expecting anything not like the headless running chicken who was in flight mode just before his demise ..... its a good tip this lads nothing worse than a flapper when your trying to as quiet as possible.







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