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Ridiculous Sign Against Hare Coursers

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well ive read it now. the dumbest post on the hunting life. posts about what cross? etc i can tolerate. but some halfwit trying to kind of justify people setting traps for dogs. you dubba are the b

Report TVP to the Rspcarse for setting wires out with the intention of deliberately injuring dogs

f**k OFF!   justifying..intentionally injuring dogs...or any animals for that matter....is a cnuts trick.....   its the owners who are breaking the law...and not the dogs!!  

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I had a bitch severly injured through dog wires at newark such a mess she was in I heard her scream she came back carry her front leg up as she got closer I cud she her skin of her shoulder pulled off right down from her shoulder as far down to her wrist just pure flesh leg her whole shoulder ripped out I could see what looked like worms which was the nerves that's how deep the injury was brought her to vet he hada get nerve surgeon up from london cost me fortune I hada go on home on boat that night had to leave bitch there kindly my mate done great in looking after her she hada get skin graph off hind leg try get the 2 skins to join together took months to heal bitch made full recovery never run again though. Worst injury ever seen goldfish off here seen it. Mutilated would be good word to describe it.


Newark Nottinghamshire???


I've seen the signs....................... equally I've seen the hare carcasses scattered about and the unmarked police cars pulling folks after the transit vans have been and gone!

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I'm absolutely f***ing incensed by this.


I would suggest that the original poster of this thread now posts the details of the exact location. We can then all call both the RSPCA and of course TVP on the 101 number to report illegal wire traps.


This is absolutely disgusting.

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Wether there are wires set or not isn't the point. It's the fact TVP and the NT believe they have the right to set wire traps with the intention of seriously injuring dogs.


As another poster on here has mentioned. It's the owners that are breaking the law.


If the original poster of this thread will let us know the exact location I will be calling 101 and the RSPCA to report it. I'll also call the local press and see what they think about TVP and the NT feeling they have the right to set wire traps with the intention being to severely injure dogs.

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If any landowner is deliberately setting wires or other means of injuring dogs and you are aware of it. I would say that it is your duty to make his life a bit less comfortable. Enough said.



Yours in sport Pernod

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Ok so there may be wires on this land? These are to intentionally injure dogs?? Have these fuuckin morons not thought the potential impact on other species fox, deer etc???


TVP you lot and the land owners are a bunch of frickin idiots! I would love to string a wire across the road outside your station you mugs :censored:

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Ok so there may be wires on this land? These are to intentionally injure dogs?? Have these fuuckin morons not thought the potential impact on other species fox, deer etc???


TVP you lot and the land owners are a bunch of frickin idiots! I would love to string a wire across the road outside your station you mugs :censored:

They'd only be a problem if an animal runs full pelt into them. Can mind seeing wire tied between trees in a forestry, must have been to trip poachers I'm guessing.

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