Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Imagine The Devestation On The BOP Population If Keepers/Land Owners Where Granted Permission To Kill BsOP They Thought Was Damaging There Sport . . There Numbers Would Tumble Over Night . . I Personally Think Any Bird Of Pray Would Be Shot On Site If Laws Allowed Those Ive Mentioned A Free Hand To Manage BsOP . . Or Should I Believe They Wouldnt Persecute Anything With A Hooked Bill In There Line Off Fire Unless They Knew It Was Affecting There Shoot ? You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. i think anyone with an oz of sense would realise it aint like that mate......... the hawks, falcons, buzzards and eagles were here long before a pheasant or partridge...........they aint the cause of the problem...........its not their fault that a few thousand easy targets suddenly appear in the vicinity is it......... my real issue is when the money men come in...........kill it as it costs me money each year............. also i think alot of gamekeepers aint really worth a wank nowadays and its there laziness thats to blame in the first place..........lose a few hundred birds to an animal that can be controlled but they never kept on top of them and blame the protected animals with the lame excuse of "i cant touch them"............... i no of one who put 800 poults in a pen that held an active earth with a litter of fox cubs in......... you can guess the results and guess who got the blame............. all the silly twat had to do was check the earths or at least ask the local hunt to run a couple of hounds through.......... So you are telling me that because an animal or bird is indigenous to the country, it's population levels are in no way effected by the provision of an ample and easily obtainable food source? So if land was un keepered, and loads of pheasants were put down just for fun. . . . . the population of predators on that land would in no way increase as a result of the increased food source? An oz of sense you say . . . . . . . Now come on. . . . . the population levels of most species are effected by the food available, the predation levels and of course disease, climate and competition. The piece of land we were discussing before. . . . . . the population of buzzards on it is as a direct result of the game birds released there. A point that was proven, when no game birds were released for a couple of years due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The buzzard population crashed and starving birds were found everywhere, as unfortunatly this particular piece of land does not hold and hare and very very few rabbits. On that same piece of and, whilst a huge number of birds are lost to BOPs, next to no birds are lost to other predators, and pretty much nine to poaching, or disease. The Bop account for almost the entire butchers bill. One problem you may have hit on, is how many folk call them selves a keeper, but basically just rent some land to shoot on, and have next to no knowledge of how to go about the things that need to be done. Whether you like it or not, game shooting in this country IS part of our cultural heritage and tradition, and whilst you may not personally like many folk who shoot, or keeper, you can surely see the positives??? For the record, I keeper, but I don't like shooting at all! It does nothing for me, but I do enjoy running the place and looking after the land, of which the game birds are only one part. ok your a long for??? and what did you do before that mate??? back packed over europe for years............ jai i admire the fact your having a go mate.........good luck........... You got me, I don't come from a long illustrious ancestry of keepers! My only point was, I have found myself doing the job, and enjoying it, but I wasn't brought up in it. . . . so am not closed minded and see both sides of the argument I'm certainly not a rich shooter. . . . in fact I don't like shooting and i'm not very good at it any way Not been doing it long, but have turned around a failing estate, giving them a final tally of almost 4 times what they shot under the previous keeper in my first year in the job, and the ex keeper had 25 + years experience up and down the country. So. . . . . . so far so good! It's not something I intend to make a life long carrier out of, but it's an estate that were kind enough to give me hunting permission on, after years of mooching about it, so I just didn't want to see the whole thing go down the pan. They been good to me, so wanted to try to give something back. P.S - Did you honestly ignore that whole post and only pick up on the last sentence. . . . and try to have a wee dig I'll have you know i've done a lot more than back pack around Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I back packed around Africa as well 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 ill hold my hands up now and admit i found this thread yesterday when i typed "the hunting life general" on my mates comp, you can all do it and this thread will be on the top page and it got on my tits some of the views on there.......... rake aboot did a sterling job on that thread.........if it was me, i doubt id still be able to post on there........... few hours later i come home and read this thread and labs post........... NOW the thing is the story that the stalkers talk about was a stupid thing to admit to (if true) but the stalkers all jumped on with some pretty nasty stuff about lurcherman.............. most of your replies about non keepers knowing feck all about the countryside are as bad as that lot on lurchers.............and that says it all..........a man big into running deer is a hero on this hunting forum...... but on another hunting forum he is a scumbag........... there's no right or wrong in hunting.........every one of us will have a different method to the next one, end of the day it is the ultimate result industry.......... you can enjoy the countryside as much as me.........plough all your money into it and sit on that peg shooting pheasants untill you hearts content........i really wish you all the best and that you enjoy many a season at it from now...........just dont shoot an eagle around me as i wouldnt agree with that.........same as i wouldnt of lamped a deer in your presence............ plenty of things on either side that can be said..........but the reality is its the lurcher side of the equation that gets the worst bet my last pound coin you would never find an article about illegal pest control activities written by a lurcherman in a weekly lurcherman magazine...........yet can the same be said for illegal lurcher poaching activities in a weekly shooting magazine........... can it f**k........... My only argument about what you have written mate is that no one on here claimed that non-keepers didnt know anything about the countryside. That;s just daft. And also you assume that folk involved in the game shooting or keepering industry do not also run dogs etc etc. I know for a fact that a good number of the 'keepers' on here (the proper ones. . . not me ) keep and run some handy lurchers. However. . . . you are right A LOT of shooters ARE pricks who look down on other country sports . . . . but you find most of those ones . . . . are not countrymen. . . they are rich townies who have got into it for the kudos etc. I see both types. On our shoot we have some members who are right knobs who hate lurcher folk, and other who are say a builder, who keeps lurchers, terriers, ferrets and loves anything country related. . . . . . Just as some lurcher lads are sound as feck, knowledgable countrymen and some are idiots who like chucking multiple dogs out of 4x4's at owt that moves. . . . and then get caught by the police. . . . .and give us all a bad name. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Imagine The Devestation On The BOP Population If Keepers/Land Owners Where Granted Permission To Kill BsOP They Thought Was Damaging There Sport . . There Numbers Would Tumble Over Night . . I Personally Think Any Bird Of Pray Would Be Shot On Site If Laws Allowed Those Ive Mentioned A Free Hand To Manage BsOP . . Or Should I Believe They Wouldnt Persecute Anything With A Hooked Bill In There Line Off Fire Unless They Knew It Was Affecting There Shoot ? You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. i think anyone with an oz of sense would realise it aint like that mate......... the hawks, falcons, buzzards and eagles were here long before a pheasant or partridge...........they aint the cause of the problem...........its not their fault that a few thousand easy targets suddenly appear in the vicinity is it......... my real issue is when the money men come in...........kill it as it costs me money each year............. also i think alot of gamekeepers aint really worth a wank nowadays and its there laziness thats to blame in the first place..........lose a few hundred birds to an animal that can be controlled but they never kept on top of them and blame the protected animals with the lame excuse of "i cant touch them"............... i no of one who put 800 poults in a pen that held an active earth with a litter of fox cubs in......... you can guess the results and guess who got the blame............. all the silly twat had to do was check the earths or at least ask the local hunt to run a couple of hounds through.......... So you are telling me that because an animal or bird is indigenous to the country, it's population levels are in no way effected by the provision of an ample and easily obtainable food source? So if land was un keepered, and loads of pheasants were put down just for fun. . . . . the population of predators on that land would in no way increase as a result of the increased food source? An oz of sense you say . . . . . . . Now come on. . . . . the population levels of most species are effected by the food available, the predation levels and of course disease, climate and competition. The piece of land we were discussing before. . . . . . the population of buzzards on it is as a direct result of the game birds released there. A point that was proven, when no game birds were released for a couple of years due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The buzzard population crashed and starving birds were found everywhere, as unfortunatly this particular piece of land does not hold and hare and very very few rabbits. On that same piece of and, whilst a huge number of birds are lost to BOPs, next to no birds are lost to other predators, and pretty much nine to poaching, or disease. The Bop account for almost the entire butchers bill. One problem you may have hit on, is how many folk call them selves a keeper, but basically just rent some land to shoot on, and have next to no knowledge of how to go about the things that need to be done. Whether you like it or not, game shooting in this country IS part of our cultural heritage and tradition, and whilst you may not personally like many folk who shoot, or keeper, you can surely see the positives??? For the record, I keeper, but I don't like shooting at all! It does nothing for me, but I do enjoy running the place and looking after the land, of which the game birds are only one part. ok your a long for??? and what did you do before that mate??? back packed over europe for years............ jai i admire the fact your having a go mate.........good luck........... You got me, I don't come from a long illustrious ancestry of keepers! My only point was, I have found myself doing the job, and enjoying it, but I wasn't brought up in it. . . . so am not closed minded and see both sides of the argument I'm certainly not a rich shooter. . . . in fact I don't like shooting and i'm not very good at it any way Not been doing it long, but have turned around a failing estate, giving them a final tally of almost 4 times what they shot under the previous keeper in my first year in the job, and the ex keeper had 25 + years experience up and down the country. So. . . . . . so far so good! It's not something I intend to make a life long carrier out of, but it's an estate that were kind enough to give me hunting permission on, after years of mooching about it, so I just didn't want to see the whole thing go down the pan. They been good to me, so wanted to try to give something back. P.S - Did you honestly ignore that whole post and only pick up on the last sentence. . . . and try to have a wee dig I'll have you know i've done a lot more than back pack around Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I back packed around Africa as well And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.....matthew 8:26.......... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Imagine The Devestation On The BOP Population If Keepers/Land Owners Where Granted Permission To Kill BsOP They Thought Was Damaging There Sport . . There Numbers Would Tumble Over Night . . I Personally Think Any Bird Of Pray Would Be Shot On Site If Laws Allowed Those Ive Mentioned A Free Hand To Manage BsOP . . Or Should I Believe They Wouldnt Persecute Anything With A Hooked Bill In There Line Off Fire Unless They Knew It Was Affecting There Shoot ? You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. i think anyone with an oz of sense would realise it aint like that mate......... the hawks, falcons, buzzards and eagles were here long before a pheasant or partridge...........they aint the cause of the problem...........its not their fault that a few thousand easy targets suddenly appear in the vicinity is it......... my real issue is when the money men come in...........kill it as it costs me money each year............. also i think alot of gamekeepers aint really worth a wank nowadays and its there laziness thats to blame in the first place..........lose a few hundred birds to an animal that can be controlled but they never kept on top of them and blame the protected animals with the lame excuse of "i cant touch them"............... i no of one who put 800 poults in a pen that held an active earth with a litter of fox cubs in......... you can guess the results and guess who got the blame............. all the silly twat had to do was check the earths or at least ask the local hunt to run a couple of hounds through.......... So you are telling me that because an animal or bird is indigenous to the country, it's population levels are in no way effected by the provision of an ample and easily obtainable food source? So if land was un keepered, and loads of pheasants were put down just for fun. . . . . the population of predators on that land would in no way increase as a result of the increased food source? An oz of sense you say . . . . . . . Now come on. . . . . the population levels of most species are effected by the food available, the predation levels and of course disease, climate and competition. The piece of land we were discussing before. . . . . . the population of buzzards on it is as a direct result of the game birds released there. A point that was proven, when no game birds were released for a couple of years due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The buzzard population crashed and starving birds were found everywhere, as unfortunatly this particular piece of land does not hold and hare and very very few rabbits. On that same piece of and, whilst a huge number of birds are lost to BOPs, next to no birds are lost to other predators, and pretty much nine to poaching, or disease. The Bop account for almost the entire butchers bill. One problem you may have hit on, is how many folk call them selves a keeper, but basically just rent some land to shoot on, and have next to no knowledge of how to go about the things that need to be done. Whether you like it or not, game shooting in this country IS part of our cultural heritage and tradition, and whilst you may not personally like many folk who shoot, or keeper, you can surely see the positives??? For the record, I keeper, but I don't like shooting at all! It does nothing for me, but I do enjoy running the place and looking after the land, of which the game birds are only one part. ok your a long for??? and what did you do before that mate??? back packed over europe for years............ jai i admire the fact your having a go mate.........good luck........... You got me, I don't come from a long illustrious ancestry of keepers! My only point was, I have found myself doing the job, and enjoying it, but I wasn't brought up in it. . . . so am not closed minded and see both sides of the argument I'm certainly not a rich shooter. . . . in fact I don't like shooting and i'm not very good at it any way Not been doing it long, but have turned around a failing estate, giving them a final tally of almost 4 times what they shot under the previous keeper in my first year in the job, and the ex keeper had 25 + years experience up and down the country. So. . . . . . so far so good! It's not something I intend to make a life long carrier out of, but it's an estate that were kind enough to give me hunting permission on, after years of mooching about it, so I just didn't want to see the whole thing go down the pan. They been good to me, so wanted to try to give something back. P.S - Did you honestly ignore that whole post and only pick up on the last sentence. . . . and try to have a wee dig I'll have you know i've done a lot more than back pack around Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I back packed around Africa as well And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.....matthew 8:26.......... Amen to that 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 ill hold my hands up now and admit i found this thread yesterday when i typed "the hunting life general" on my mates comp, you can all do it and this thread will be on the top page and it got on my tits some of the views on there.......... rake aboot did a sterling job on that thread.........if it was me, i doubt id still be able to post on there........... few hours later i come home and read this thread and labs post........... NOW the thing is the story that the stalkers talk about was a stupid thing to admit to (if true) but the stalkers all jumped on with some pretty nasty stuff about lurcherman.............. most of your replies about non keepers knowing feck all about the countryside are as bad as that lot on lurchers.............and that says it all..........a man big into running deer is a hero on this hunting forum...... but on another hunting forum he is a scumbag........... there's no right or wrong in hunting.........every one of us will have a different method to the next one, end of the day it is the ultimate result industry.......... you can enjoy the countryside as much as me.........plough all your money into it and sit on that peg shooting pheasants untill you hearts content........i really wish you all the best and that you enjoy many a season at it from now...........just dont shoot an eagle around me as i wouldnt agree with that.........same as i wouldnt of lamped a deer in your presence............ plenty of things on either side that can be said..........but the reality is its the lurcher side of the equation that gets the worst bet my last pound coin you would never find an article about illegal pest control activities written by a lurcherman in a weekly lurcherman magazine...........yet can the same be said for illegal lurcher poaching activities in a weekly shooting magazine........... can it f**k........... My only argument about what you have written mate is that no one on here claimed that non-keepers didnt know anything about the countryside. That;s just daft. And also you assume that folk involved in the game shooting or keepering industry do not also run dogs etc etc. I know for a fact that a good number of the 'keepers' on here (the proper ones. . . not me ) keep and run some handy lurchers. However. . . . you are right A LOT of shooters ARE pricks who look down on other country sports . . . . but you find most of those ones . . . . are not countrymen. . . they are rich townies who have got into it for the kudos etc. I see both types. On our shoot we have some members who are right knobs who hate lurcher folk, and other who are say a builder, who keeps lurchers, terriers, ferrets and loves anything country related. . . . . . Just as some lurcher lads are sound as feck, knowledgable countrymen and some are idiots who like chucking multiple dogs out of 4x4's at owt that moves. . . . and then get caught by the police. . . . .and give us all a bad name. all true mate.......... we all know the score deep down and as sad as it is.......thats just the way it is.......... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 ill hold my hands up now and admit i found this thread yesterday when i typed "the hunting life general" on my mates comp, you can all do it and this thread will be on the top page and it got on my tits some of the views on there.......... rake aboot did a sterling job on that thread.........if it was me, i doubt id still be able to post on there........... few hours later i come home and read this thread and labs post........... NOW the thing is the story that the stalkers talk about was a stupid thing to admit to (if true) but the stalkers all jumped on with some pretty nasty stuff about lurcherman.............. most of your replies about non keepers knowing feck all about the countryside are as bad as that lot on lurchers.............and that says it all..........a man big into running deer is a hero on this hunting forum...... but on another hunting forum he is a scumbag........... there's no right or wrong in hunting.........every one of us will have a different method to the next one, end of the day it is the ultimate result industry.......... you can enjoy the countryside as much as me.........plough all your money into it and sit on that peg shooting pheasants untill you hearts content........i really wish you all the best and that you enjoy many a season at it from now...........just dont shoot an eagle around me as i wouldnt agree with that.........same as i wouldnt of lamped a deer in your presence............ plenty of things on either side that can be said..........but the reality is its the lurcher side of the equation that gets the worst bet my last pound coin you would never find an article about illegal pest control activities written by a lurcherman in a weekly lurcherman magazine...........yet can the same be said for illegal lurcher poaching activities in a weekly shooting magazine........... can it f**k........... My only argument about what you have written mate is that no one on here claimed that non-keepers didnt know anything about the countryside. That;s just daft. And also you assume that folk involved in the game shooting or keepering industry do not also run dogs etc etc. I know for a fact that a good number of the 'keepers' on here (the proper ones. . . not me ) keep and run some handy lurchers. However. . . . you are right A LOT of shooters ARE pricks who look down on other country sports . . . . but you find most of those ones . . . . are not countrymen. . . they are rich townies who have got into it for the kudos etc. I see both types. On our shoot we have some members who are right knobs who hate lurcher folk, and other who are say a builder, who keeps lurchers, terriers, ferrets and loves anything country related. . . . . . Just as some lurcher lads are sound as feck, knowledgable countrymen and some are idiots who like chucking multiple dogs out of 4x4's at owt that moves. . . . and then get caught by the police. . . . .and give us all a bad name. all true mate.......... we all know the score deep down and as sad as it is.......thats just the way it is.......... Aye. . . . but if it wasn't. . . . what the feck would we talk about on a friday night over the internet????? Hunting? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Imagine The Devestation On The BOP Population If Keepers/Land Owners Where Granted Permission To Kill BsOP They Thought Was Damaging There Sport . . There Numbers Would Tumble Over Night . . I Personally Think Any Bird Of Pray Would Be Shot On Site If Laws Allowed Those Ive Mentioned A Free Hand To Manage BsOP . . Or Should I Believe They Wouldnt Persecute Anything With A Hooked Bill In There Line Off Fire Unless They Knew It Was Affecting There Shoot ? You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. i think anyone with an oz of sense would realise it aint like that mate......... the hawks, falcons, buzzards and eagles were here long before a pheasant or partridge...........they aint the cause of the problem...........its not their fault that a few thousand easy targets suddenly appear in the vicinity is it......... my real issue is when the money men come in...........kill it as it costs me money each year............. also i think alot of gamekeepers aint really worth a wank nowadays and its there laziness thats to blame in the first place..........lose a few hundred birds to an animal that can be controlled but they never kept on top of them and blame the protected animals with the lame excuse of "i cant touch them"............... i no of one who put 800 poults in a pen that held an active earth with a litter of fox cubs in......... you can guess the results and guess who got the blame............. all the silly twat had to do was check the earths or at least ask the local hunt to run a couple of hounds through.......... So you are telling me that because an animal or bird is indigenous to the country, it's population levels are in no way effected by the provision of an ample and easily obtainable food source? So if land was un keepered, and loads of pheasants were put down just for fun. . . . . the population of predators on that land would in no way increase as a result of the increased food source? An oz of sense you say . . . . . . . Now come on. . . . . the population levels of most species are effected by the food available, the predation levels and of course disease, climate and competition. The piece of land we were discussing before. . . . . . the population of buzzards on it is as a direct result of the game birds released there. A point that was proven, when no game birds were released for a couple of years due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The buzzard population crashed and starving birds were found everywhere, as unfortunatly this particular piece of land does not hold and hare and very very few rabbits. On that same piece of and, whilst a huge number of birds are lost to BOPs, next to no birds are lost to other predators, and pretty much nine to poaching, or disease. The Bop account for almost the entire butchers bill. One problem you may have hit on, is how many folk call them selves a keeper, but basically just rent some land to shoot on, and have next to no knowledge of how to go about the things that need to be done. Whether you like it or not, game shooting in this country IS part of our cultural heritage and tradition, and whilst you may not personally like many folk who shoot, or keeper, you can surely see the positives??? For the record, I keeper, but I don't like shooting at all! It does nothing for me, but I do enjoy running the place and looking after the land, of which the game birds are only one part. ok your a long for??? and what did you do before that mate??? back packed over europe for years............ jai i admire the fact your having a go mate.........good luck........... You got me, I don't come from a long illustrious ancestry of keepers! My only point was, I have found myself doing the job, and enjoying it, but I wasn't brought up in it. . . . so am not closed minded and see both sides of the argument I'm certainly not a rich shooter. . . . in fact I don't like shooting and i'm not very good at it any way Not been doing it long, but have turned around a failing estate, giving them a final tally of almost 4 times what they shot under the previous keeper in my first year in the job, and the ex keeper had 25 + years experience up and down the country. So. . . . . . so far so good! It's not something I intend to make a life long carrier out of, but it's an estate that were kind enough to give me hunting permission on, after years of mooching about it, so I just didn't want to see the whole thing go down the pan. They been good to me, so wanted to try to give something back. P.S - Did you honestly ignore that whole post and only pick up on the last sentence. . . . and try to have a wee dig I'll have you know i've done a lot more than back pack around Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I back packed around Africa as well And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.....matthew 8:26.......... Amen to that good one naz lol........good luck on your shoot mate......... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 whippets on fox is always a cracker............. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 whippets on fox is always a cracker............. My top five are - Whippet vs fox. Beddy whippet vs Fallow. Minshaws. Mark Brick. Dogs vs Guns. All of the above always good for 10 pages or more 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Imagine The Devestation On The BOP Population If Keepers/Land Owners Where Granted Permission To Kill BsOP They Thought Was Damaging There Sport . . There Numbers Would Tumble Over Night . . I Personally Think Any Bird Of Pray Would Be Shot On Site If Laws Allowed Those Ive Mentioned A Free Hand To Manage BsOP . . Or Should I Believe They Wouldnt Persecute Anything With A Hooked Bill In There Line Off Fire Unless They Knew It Was Affecting There Shoot ? You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. i think anyone with an oz of sense would realise it aint like that mate......... the hawks, falcons, buzzards and eagles were here long before a pheasant or partridge...........they aint the cause of the problem...........its not their fault that a few thousand easy targets suddenly appear in the vicinity is it......... my real issue is when the money men come in...........kill it as it costs me money each year............. also i think alot of gamekeepers aint really worth a wank nowadays and its there laziness thats to blame in the first place..........lose a few hundred birds to an animal that can be controlled but they never kept on top of them and blame the protected animals with the lame excuse of "i cant touch them"............... i no of one who put 800 poults in a pen that held an active earth with a litter of fox cubs in......... you can guess the results and guess who got the blame............. all the silly twat had to do was check the earths or at least ask the local hunt to run a couple of hounds through.......... So you are telling me that because an animal or bird is indigenous to the country, it's population levels are in no way effected by the provision of an ample and easily obtainable food source? So if land was un keepered, and loads of pheasants were put down just for fun. . . . . the population of predators on that land would in no way increase as a result of the increased food source? An oz of sense you say . . . . . . . Now come on. . . . . the population levels of most species are effected by the food available, the predation levels and of course disease, climate and competition. The piece of land we were discussing before. . . . . . the population of buzzards on it is as a direct result of the game birds released there. A point that was proven, when no game birds were released for a couple of years due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The buzzard population crashed and starving birds were found everywhere, as unfortunatly this particular piece of land does not hold and hare and very very few rabbits. On that same piece of and, whilst a huge number of birds are lost to BOPs, next to no birds are lost to other predators, and pretty much nine to poaching, or disease. The Bop account for almost the entire butchers bill. One problem you may have hit on, is how many folk call them selves a keeper, but basically just rent some land to shoot on, and have next to no knowledge of how to go about the things that need to be done. Whether you like it or not, game shooting in this country IS part of our cultural heritage and tradition, and whilst you may not personally like many folk who shoot, or keeper, you can surely see the positives??? For the record, I keeper, but I don't like shooting at all! It does nothing for me, but I do enjoy running the place and looking after the land, of which the game birds are only one part. ok your a long for??? and what did you do before that mate??? back packed over europe for years............ jai i admire the fact your having a go mate.........good luck........... You got me, I don't come from a long illustrious ancestry of keepers! My only point was, I have found myself doing the job, and enjoying it, but I wasn't brought up in it. . . . so am not closed minded and see both sides of the argument I'm certainly not a rich shooter. . . . in fact I don't like shooting and i'm not very good at it any way Not been doing it long, but have turned around a failing estate, giving them a final tally of almost 4 times what they shot under the previous keeper in my first year in the job, and the ex keeper had 25 + years experience up and down the country. So. . . . . . so far so good! It's not something I intend to make a life long carrier out of, but it's an estate that were kind enough to give me hunting permission on, after years of mooching about it, so I just didn't want to see the whole thing go down the pan. They been good to me, so wanted to try to give something back. P.S - Did you honestly ignore that whole post and only pick up on the last sentence. . . . and try to have a wee dig I'll have you know i've done a lot more than back pack around Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I back packed around Africa as well And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.....matthew 8:26.......... Amen to that good one naz lol........good luck on your shoot mate......... It's not mine. . . . . but they do have a hot daughter. . . . so. . . . maybe . .. . . 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 whippets on fox is always a cracker............. My top five are - Whippet vs fox. Beddy whippet vs Fallow. Minshaws. Mark Brick. Dogs vs Guns. All of the above always good for 10 pages or more well now we can add fake article on sea eagle nest being cut down to the list......... 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,864 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Fair play to anyone keepering, amature or pro......... Spend time with any decent keeper or ex keeper and you won't fail to learn something.........some of these lads knowledge of seasons and the moods of animals at given times of the year or for different types of weather is second to none. 90% of the ones I have met approach things in a very proffesional way which I happen to like......I hate any type of goofing about when I am hunting or fishing because I believe it's a serious business One of my good pals spent his years on the hill and has learned me plenty, he takes everything he does very seriously from field to plate........I like that ! Even beating I want to get just spot on, nothing is more satisfying than hearing the first shots followed by a constant steady bit of shooting from start of drive to the end, coming out the end of the drive and seeing the pickers up busy and smiling other words just getting a job right or knowing you did your best to get it right As Danw said, the countryside will be a very much poorer place when these type of lads are no longer will just be a bunch of folk pissing about......great shame IMHO 6 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 Fair play to anyone keepering, amature or pro......... Spend time with any decent keeper or ex keeper and you won't fail to learn something.........some of these lads knowledge of seasons and the moods of animals at given times of the year or for different types of weather is second to none. 90% of the ones I have met approach things in a very proffesional way which I happen to like......I hate any type of goofing about when I am hunting or fishing because I believe it's a serious business One of my good pals spent his years on the hill and has learned me plenty, he takes everything he does very seriously from field to plate........I like that ! Even beating I want to get just spot on, nothing is more satisfying than hearing the first shots followed by a constant steady bit of shooting from start of drive to the end, coming out the end of the drive and seeing the pickers up busy and smiling other words just getting a job right or knowing you did your best to get it right As Danw said, the countryside will be a very much poorer place when these type of lads are no longer will just be a bunch of folk pissing about......great shame IMHO excellent post.......... but nothing to do with sea eagles........... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,864 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 I just like being random sometimes Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted June 14, 2013 Report Share Posted June 14, 2013 I just like being random sometimes seriously??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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