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Sea Eagles Nest ... Was It You Lab ???

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I suspect that the felling contractor had a HUGE oh shit moment after seeing that tree fall. I doubt very much it was a deliberate act, the estate are distancing themselves big style before the BBC hang them.


As for the arguments above, I`m firmly on the fence here,, can see the shoots issues, I am involved with a large commercial shoot and know the havoc Bop`s cause but still love to see them,, (Buzzards aside that is,, b*****ds !!)

So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!


It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)

It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport.

Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less keepers because less birds..........lots of reasons why shoots demise and not being able to deal with BOP's are one of them.... :thumbs:
You know me lab, I'm only killing time till I'm out a here at 1 o'clock :laugh:

I know what your fecking doing............. :censored::censored::laugh:

You know I love you shooters really :D ok, joking aside, I know the land needs keepers etc but I also know if left to their own devices the keeper would kill every predator that's a threat bar maybe a very few. It's ok saying they'd strike a balance but they wouldn't. The scales would fall very heavily towards the survival of the pheasant and why not, it's there livelihood. Personally I don't want more pheasants about, f***ing enough of them as there is :)

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I suspect that the felling contractor had a HUGE oh shit moment after seeing that tree fall. I doubt very much it was a deliberate act, the estate are distancing themselves big style before the BBC hang them.


As for the arguments above, I`m firmly on the fence here,, can see the shoots issues, I am involved with a large commercial shoot and know the havoc Bop`s cause but still love to see them,, (Buzzards aside that is,, b*****ds !!)

So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!


It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)

It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport.

Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less keepers because less birds..........lots of reasons why shoots demise and not being able to deal with BOP's are one of them.... :thumbs:
You know me lab, I'm only killing time till I'm out a here at 1 o'clock :laugh:

I know what your fecking doing............. :censored::censored::laugh:

You know I love you shooters really :D ok, joking aside, I know the land needs keepers etc but I also know if left to their own devices the keeper would kill every predator that's a threat bar maybe a very few. It's ok saying they'd strike a balance but they wouldn't. The scales would fall very heavily towards the survival of the pheasant and why not, it's there livelihood. Personally I don't want more pheasants about, f*****g enough of them as there is :)


Foxes, stoats, weasels, crows, rats, rabbits all things that keepers are allowed legally to kill and theres still thousands of them. Why do you think that if we were allowed to kill BOP's that they would suddenly become extinct? It clear for everyone to see that BOP numbers are increasing...the Buzzard at a whore of a rate. A keepers job is to look after pheasants first and foremost......i cant see many wanting to spend any spare minute they have on wiping out BOP's.........simply shooting ones that are a problem is the answer. Why a bird with a hook beak gets any special treatment is beyond me..................flying f***ing badgers min!!!

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I suspect that the felling contractor had a HUGE oh shit moment after seeing that tree fall. I doubt very much it was a deliberate act, the estate are distancing themselves big style before the BBC hang them.


As for the arguments above, I`m firmly on the fence here,, can see the shoots issues, I am involved with a large commercial shoot and know the havoc Bop`s cause but still love to see them,, (Buzzards aside that is,, b*****ds !!)

So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!


It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)

It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport.

Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less keepers because less birds..........lots of reasons why shoots demise and not being able to deal with BOP's are one of them.... :thumbs:
You know me lab, I'm only killing time till I'm out a here at 1 o'clock :laugh:

I know what your fecking doing............. :censored::censored::laugh:
You know I love you shooters really :D ok, joking aside, I know the land needs keepers etc but I also know if left to their own devices the keeper would kill every predator that's a threat bar maybe a very few. It's ok saying they'd strike a balance but they wouldn't. The scales would fall very heavily towards the survival of the pheasant and why not, it's there livelihood. Personally I don't want more pheasants about, f*****g enough of them as there is :)

Foxes, stoats, weasels, crows, rats, rabbits all things that keepers are allowed legally to kill and theres still thousands of them. Why do you think that if we were allowed to kill BOP's that they would suddenly become extinct? It clear for everyone to see that BOP numbers are increasing...the Buzzard at a whore of a rate. A keepers job is to look after pheasants first and foremost......i cant see many wanting to spend any spare minute they have on wiping out BOP's.........simply shooting ones that are a problem is the answer. Why a bird with a hook beak gets any special treatment is beyond me..................flying f*****g badgers min!!!

Lot easier to shoot, trap and poison a BOP than all you mentioned mate. You say only the problem ones should be shot, that'll be the ones on the estates then. I agree buzzards are getting more but its only cos you remember seeing them cos they are worth looking at. Compared to rooks, crows, magpies, birds that cause real problems, they are practically non existent.

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Who decides it is a problem bop ? as surely to a keeper all bops are problems ?

There only a problem when the birds arrive until the season ends........so you should be able to control any of them that are causing a problem.

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Who decides it is a problem bop ? as surely to a keeper all bops are problems ?

There only a problem when the birds arrive until the season ends........so you should be able to control any of them that are causing a problem.


lab I agree with most of what you say, how can 1 species have out right protection just need to look at the badger prob just now will it be the same in 30 years time with bop? I believe if people actually seen the bop prey on kills eating there prey while still alive and killing for the sake of it they would have different opinion its the fact that people go for a walk on a sunday and see them gliding in thermals or flashing past they go awww that wis braw.

I know you could never wipe them out these days as there are loads of areas that don't have keepers on which allows them to do as they like i stay on such a place these days and the rabbits, hares (leverets), wild pheasants and all your common ground nesters have been hammered by 2 pairs of buzzies feeding young.

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I suspect that the felling contractor had a HUGE oh shit moment after seeing that tree fall. I doubt very much it was a deliberate act, the estate are distancing themselves big style before the BBC hang them. As for the arguments above, I`m firmly on the fence here,, can see the shoots issues, I am involved with a large commercial shoot and know the havoc Bop`s cause but still love to see them,, (Buzzards aside that is,, b*****ds !!)

So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)
It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport.

Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less keepers because less birds..........lots of reasons why shoots demise and not being able to deal with BOP's are one of them.... :thumbs:
You know me lab, I'm only killing time till I'm out a here at 1 o'clock :laugh:

I know what your fecking doing............. :censored::censored::laugh:
You know I love you shooters really :D ok, joking aside, I know the land needs keepers etc but I also know if left to their own devices the keeper would kill every predator that's a threat bar maybe a very few. It's ok saying they'd strike a balance but they wouldn't. The scales would fall very heavily towards the survival of the pheasant and why not, it's there livelihood. Personally I don't want more pheasants about, f*****g enough of them as there is :)

Foxes, stoats, weasels, crows, rats, rabbits all things that keepers are allowed legally to kill and theres still thousands of them. Why do you think that if we were allowed to kill BOP's that they would suddenly become extinct? It clear for everyone to see that BOP numbers are increasing...the Buzzard at a whore of a rate. A keepers job is to look after pheasants first and foremost......i cant see many wanting to spend any spare minute they have on wiping out BOP's.........simply shooting ones that are a problem is the answer. Why a bird with a hook beak gets any special treatment is beyond me..................flying f*****g badgers min!!!
Lot easier to shoot, trap and poison a BOP than all you mentioned mate. You say only the problem ones should be shot, that'll be the ones on the estates then. I agree buzzards are getting more but its only cos you remember seeing them cos they are worth looking at. Compared to rooks, crows, magpies, birds that cause real problems, they are practically non existent.

:-) :-) :-) go fish else where ya fanny !! I'm guessing your fishing for a bite as I really don't think your this daft

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So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

Right thats it......next hare i see is getting shot and you'll only have yourself to blame..... :D



you'll miss

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So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

Right thats it......next hare i see is getting shot and you'll only have yourself to blame..... :D



you'll miss


I'll pretend its you and i'll not miss!!..... :D

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Fek it , lets all get baw , the JR Ewing of the hunting life .

:laugh: if only mate. Sounds better than it is :D I only said I Prob made more money than him cos I thought he was a student :laugh:

Didn't realise the Dole paid so much :blink: your no a muslim immigrant are ya?? :laugh: :laugh:

Funny you should ask....... :laugh: you got that dog its hole yet :laugh:


BAWWAAAA na but the fuucker keeps pissing me off he'll have a big one in his feckin skull :laugh:


Took him out to the park yesterday and he got feckin covered in chewing gum :laugh: :laugh:



put him in the fridge it comes off easy when its cold.... :thumbs:

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I suspect that the felling contractor had a HUGE oh shit moment after seeing that tree fall. I doubt very much it was a deliberate act, the estate are distancing themselves big style before the BBC hang them.


As for the arguments above, I`m firmly on the fence here,, can see the shoots issues, I am involved with a large commercial shoot and know the havoc Bop`s cause but still love to see them,, (Buzzards aside that is,, b*****ds !!)

So the biggest argument towards pheasant shooting is that if it disappeared the countryside as we know it would diminish. Scary thought. So far in this thread we discovered from a REAL working gamekeeper that 90% of the countries keepers have packed up leaving only 5000. That's 45,000 keepers not there. Have you noticed much difference to the countryside with there absence? I haven't. Again someone else said that a shoot he knows puts down 3500 birds and 1000 of them get taken by BOP. that's almost a third of them. A large amount I'm sure you'll agree. And yet they survive with this enormous loss. So a 'shoot' can effectively afford to lose a third of its birds and still survive..... Leave the magnificent and majestic birds alone, there's plenty of fat useless birds for everyone.

That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!


It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)

It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport.

Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less keepers because less birds..........lots of reasons why shoots demise and not being able to deal with BOP's are one of them.... :thumbs:
You know me lab, I'm only killing time till I'm out a here at 1 o'clock :laugh:

I know what your fecking doing............. :censored::censored::laugh:
You know I love you shooters really :D ok, joking aside, I know the land needs keepers etc but I also know if left to their own devices the keeper would kill every predator that's a threat bar maybe a very few. It's ok saying they'd strike a balance but they wouldn't. The scales would fall very heavily towards the survival of the pheasant and why not, it's there livelihood. Personally I don't want more pheasants about, f*****g enough of them as there is :)

Foxes, stoats, weasels, crows, rats, rabbits all things that keepers are allowed legally to kill and theres still thousands of them. Why do you think that if we were allowed to kill BOP's that they would suddenly become extinct? It clear for everyone to see that BOP numbers are increasing...the Buzzard at a whore of a rate. A keepers job is to look after pheasants first and foremost......i cant see many wanting to spend any spare minute they have on wiping out BOP's.........simply shooting ones that are a problem is the answer. Why a bird with a hook beak gets any special treatment is beyond me..................flying f*****g badgers min!!!

Lot easier to shoot, trap and poison a BOP than all you mentioned mate. You say only the problem ones should be shot, that'll be the ones on the estates then. I agree buzzards are getting more but its only cos you remember seeing them cos they are worth looking at. Compared to rooks, crows, magpies, birds that cause real problems, they are practically non existent.


You do speak pissh min

Edited by MIK
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