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Sea Eagles Nest ... Was It You Lab ???

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't

On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....

No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:

Do you even realise how much 'minimal' costs in losses of birds to BOPs......? Would you like to foot the bill. Or would it not just make sense to let shooting estates cull problem birds? Your not moaning about foxes getting shot so whats the difference with the mighty hook beak?
He was wetting his eyes about a shitty old shovel, bar and set of straps earlier.......and he got them for free !! Lol lol


:laugh: ......I f*****g hope theres a sea eagles nest with a f*****g shovel and a couple of old ratchet straps in it.... :D


:laugh::laugh: but in fairness i never wanted to shoot them........... :tongue2:


You would if it was doing it everyday.... :yes:


i meant i never wanted to shoot my best shovel and ratchet straps you fanny....... :laugh:

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't

On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....

No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:

Do you even realise how much 'minimal' costs in losses of birds to BOPs......? Would you like to foot the bill. Or would it not just make sense to let shooting estates cull problem birds? Your not moaning about foxes getting shot so whats the difference with the mighty hook beak?
He was wetting his eyes about a shitty old shovel, bar and set of straps earlier.......and he got them for free !! Lol lol


:laugh: ......I f*****g hope theres a sea eagles nest with a f*****g shovel and a couple of old ratchet straps in it.... :D


:laugh::laugh: but in fairness i never wanted to shoot them........... :tongue2:


You would if it was doing it everyday.... :yes:


i meant i never wanted to shoot my best shovel and ratchet straps you fanny....... :laugh:


I never wanted to shoot the pheasants either........... :D


Anyway i hope you get the winning fish at THL fishing tournament.........................and a sea eagle comes along and steals it... :toast:

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't


On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....


No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:


Do you even realise how much 'minimal' costs in losses of birds to BOPs......? Would you like to foot the bill. Or would it not just make sense to let shooting estates cull problem birds? Your not moaning about foxes getting shot so whats the difference with the mighty hook beak?


well no i wouldnt..........but at the same time im not a multi millionaire lol..........i no a small syndicate near me who run a shoot that at one point was a great shoot........if you read my story on tarquins job thread its the same one as that........the guns ran it for years then sold up when the price of timber went through the roof and all the best drives got gutted completely and are still bare to this day.........out of 20 plus quality drives now the lads who shoot it get around 6 half decent drives..........if they lose birds then i feel sorry for them now as its normal everyday grafters doing it for sport.........and i wouldnt begrudge them keeping the local buzzard population in check.......... ;) but these commerical shoots make f*****g millions between, they day the shooting industry makes a loss is the day ill hold my hands up and say your right........... :victory:


this thread was about a nest of eagles getting cut down tho.......crying shame imo........ :thumbs:


And thats view gets right on my tits if i'm honest mate.....if you won the lottery tomorrow do you think laws should be changed to fight against you just cause you now had a bit of coin. These multi-millionaires you speak off, some of them who i deal with are the tightest people on earth. They look at shoots as a business venture, certainly not as somewhere to throw money away. So poult numbers are worked out the same as if a smaller syndicate would work it out......its just on a grander scale.


so is it a business venture that as a rule loses money or makes money every year......... :hmm:

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't


On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....


No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:


Do you even realise how much 'minimal' costs in losses of birds to BOPs......? Would you like to foot the bill. Or would it not just make sense to let shooting estates cull problem birds? Your not moaning about foxes getting shot so whats the difference with the mighty hook beak?


well no i wouldnt..........but at the same time im not a multi millionaire lol..........i no a small syndicate near me who run a shoot that at one point was a great shoot........if you read my story on tarquins job thread its the same one as that........the guns ran it for years then sold up when the price of timber went through the roof and all the best drives got gutted completely and are still bare to this day.........out of 20 plus quality drives now the lads who shoot it get around 6 half decent drives..........if they lose birds then i feel sorry for them now as its normal everyday grafters doing it for sport.........and i wouldnt begrudge them keeping the local buzzard population in check.......... ;) but these commerical shoots make f*****g millions between, they day the shooting industry makes a loss is the day ill hold my hands up and say your right........... :victory:


this thread was about a nest of eagles getting cut down tho.......crying shame imo........ :thumbs:


And thats view gets right on my tits if i'm honest mate.....if you won the lottery tomorrow do you think laws should be changed to fight against you just cause you now had a bit of coin. These multi-millionaires you speak off, some of them who i deal with are the tightest people on earth. They look at shoots as a business venture, certainly not as somewhere to throw money away. So poult numbers are worked out the same as if a smaller syndicate would work it out......its just on a grander scale.


so is it a business venture that as a rule loses money or makes money every year......... :hmm:


Hopefully makes money.................and i'll have to leave it there cause we are back to the start again... ;)

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't

On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....

No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:

Do you even realise how much 'minimal' costs in losses of birds to BOPs......? Would you like to foot the bill. Or would it not just make sense to let shooting estates cull problem birds? Your not moaning about foxes getting shot so whats the difference with the mighty hook beak?
He was wetting his eyes about a shitty old shovel, bar and set of straps earlier.......and he got them for free !! Lol lol


:laugh: ......I f*****g hope theres a sea eagles nest with a f*****g shovel and a couple of old ratchet straps in it.... :D


:laugh::laugh: but in fairness i never wanted to shoot them........... :tongue2:


You would if it was doing it everyday.... :yes:


i meant i never wanted to shoot my best shovel and ratchet straps you fanny....... :laugh:


I never wanted to shoot the pheasants either........... :D


Anyway i hope you get the winning fish at THL fishing tournament.........................and a sea eagle comes along and steals it... :toast:


well if that happened then id defo be getting the stihl out............ :whistling:

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I would guess most shoots about break even and nothing more

I'd say similar.......most that i know off probably do it to get there shooting for free, invite guests and then in turn get invited to there shoots. Shooting all year for nothing....canny be bad.. :thumbs:

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't


On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....


No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:



Need to do your research Stewie mate.

The area this happened in was not a pheasant shoot, and more so the estate it happened on would not condone this type of thing. fact. they work closely with conservation organisations such as RSPB etc (scabs lol)

I would be very surprised if this wasn't a complete accident blown up by the RSPB.


As for has any shoot been put under by BOP persecution, read into what happened at Langholm moor during the joint raptor study time, the moor went under (from being one of the most productive economically viable estates in Scotland) and has never bounced back since.

If your interested



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I would guess most shoots about break even and nothing more

I'd say similar.......most that i know off probably do it to get there shooting for free, invite guests and then in turn get invited to there shoots. Shooting all year for nothing....canny be bad.. :thumbs:


even the commercial shoots that have 60 odd days a year???

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I would guess most shoots about break even and nothing more

I'd say similar.......most that i know off probably do it to get there shooting for free, invite guests and then in turn get invited to there shoots. Shooting all year for nothing....canny be bad.. :thumbs:


even the commercial shoots that have 60 odd days a year???


Yes........ :yes: Lets face it they dont need the money but these guys dont waste money. Keeper gets a budget where he has to buy poults, feed, fuel, wages and whatever else involved....laird gets a few days shooting and he is happy. Obviously if the shoot makes a profit then thats a bonus. Independant people renting bits of land is different, every bird is pound notes so whenever one gets killed its money straight down the pan and its a right kick in the bollocks when your hands are tied to do anything about it.

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't


On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....


No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:



Need to do your research Stewie mate.

The area this happened in was not a pheasant shoot, and more so the estate it happened on would not condone this type of thing. fact. they work closely with conservation organisations such as RSPB etc (scabs lol)

I would be very surprised if this wasn't a complete accident blown up by the RSPB.


As for has any shoot been put under by BOP persecution, read into what happened at Langholm moor during the joint raptor study time, the moor went under (from being one of the most productive economically viable estates in Scotland) and has never bounced back since.

If your interested




Canny beat cold hard facts.... :D:thumbs:

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Would anyone here tolerate a critter throwing as many 30 quids as they could grab out of that persons bank account onto a fire ???.........no, of course they wouldn't


On a grouse Moore , you can make it a 100 quid a time....


No different

now to me grouse are a totally different kettle of fish........they cant be reared and released by the billions each summer...........so yes i can understand that......... :yes:


pheasants and partridge however can be and the amount taken by birds of prey in minimal compared to the number shot.......... :yes:


back in the victorain ages when pheasants were reared under broody hens and it was genuinely a matter of job,food on the table, somewhere to live that a keeper kept the numbers of gamebirds up and predators down then yeah knock a few hook beaks out the equation.........but in 2013........... :huh:



Need to do your research Stewie mate.

The area this happened in was not a pheasant shoot, and more so the estate it happened on would not condone this type of thing. fact. they work closely with conservation organisations such as RSPB etc (scabs lol)

I would be very surprised if this wasn't a complete accident blown up by the RSPB.


As for has any shoot been put under by BOP persecution, read into what happened at Langholm moor during the joint raptor study time, the moor went under (from being one of the most productive economically viable estates in Scotland) and has never bounced back since.

If your interested




true mate but it was lab who started it...... :D and i have said you cant class grouse moors and commercial shoots together as different as chalk and cheese imo...... :thumbs:


and i do agree with you on being an accident thats gotten blown up out of all proportions........ :thumbs:


thanks for the link ill be reading up on that with interest....... :victory:

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