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Introducing Hobs

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  On 13/06/2013 at 12:08, ratpackjack said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:37, pie-eater said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:10, ratpackjack said:

Yes i now what you mean and was not having a dig at the fella was just asking,i know they swell up l;ike peas in spring/summer had ferrets since was kid so long dont even notice the pong lol my lass dose but not me lol

Well they start to stink their balls drop and they want to shag Id call that in season. What would you call it?


Dude nobody was having a go at you chill ffs season is something a female gets no? was my question no need to be funny was not attacking you :D


Haha no problem. Im not sure what the scientific term is for a hob during the breeding season so Ill probably keep calling it in season.

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  On 13/06/2013 at 12:37, pie-eater said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 12:08, ratpackjack said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:37, pie-eater said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:10, ratpackjack said:

Yes i now what you mean and was not having a dig at the fella was just asking,i know they swell up l;ike peas in spring/summer had ferrets since was kid so long dont even notice the pong lol my lass dose but not me lol

Well they start to stink their balls drop and they want to shag Id call that in season. What would you call it?


Dude nobody was having a go at you chill ffs season is something a female gets no? was my question no need to be funny was not attacking you :D


Haha no problem. Im not sure what the scientific term is for a hob during the breeding season so Ill probably keep calling it in season.


Horny !!



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  On 13/06/2013 at 12:47, johnny boy68 said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 12:37, pie-eater said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 12:08, ratpackjack said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:37, pie-eater said:


  On 13/06/2013 at 11:10, ratpackjack said:

Yes i now what you mean and was not having a dig at the fella was just asking,i know they swell up l;ike peas in spring/summer had ferrets since was kid so long dont even notice the pong lol my lass dose but not me lol

Well they start to stink their balls drop and they want to shag Id call that in season. What would you call it?


Dude nobody was having a go at you chill ffs season is something a female gets no? was my question no need to be funny was not attacking you :D


Haha no problem. Im not sure what the scientific term is for a hob during the breeding season so Ill probably keep calling it in season.


Horny !!




Yeah that's what Ill call it in future lol.

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  On 13/06/2013 at 10:26, ratpackjack said:

Hobs dont have a season buddy

Yes they do from end of January to September and that's how long mine stays in season for :thumbs: hobs are referred to as being 'in season' from every info source out there so I think its the general term for both sexes :yes:

Edited by onthehunt
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  On 13/06/2013 at 03:21, cawleada04 said:

One of my two hobs died a couple months ago and the remaining hob is alone, I have a litter of kits at 13 weeks the father is the living hob would it be hard to put a kit with the muture hob or would he kill it as I don't like keeping a ferret alone.

I would say they would be alright to put together but would introduce the hob to the kits in the jills cage or a court not in the hobs cage for first meeting till you see how he will react this is how i have always done it and never had any trouble.I was told once of kits been put in a hobs cage they were alright for the 20mins the owner was watching but when he came back the next day only one kit was left alive.You say your other hob died a couple of months ago and you kept him with another hob.how did your other hob die?I have kept hobs together many a time some litter mates some were not but all have started to fight come breeding time some more than others.In the cases were one of the two of the hobs has become subserbant(which meant at breeding time of year the others bitch in most cases) they have been able to be kept together with little fighting but in cases were ive had two who were domiant ive had to seperate or they would have killed each other or at very least one of them.so a little caution is well advised at certain times of the year when it comes to hobs as no ferret will react the same as another every animal is differant in temperment as in all aniamal.

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