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Golf Course With Hmr

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Just got back from the perm with darrenb47 and his pal Chris. Awful weather, not much about.


Ended up with these two around 80 - 100 yards away, both clean head shots. My god the HMR makes a mess. Going to take them to the butchers tomorrow.. wish me luck :D







Edited by Elliott
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Thats got to be awesome kinetic power to do that mate.


Very humane and I bet they were lights out as soon as the bullet connected.


Good shooting Elliott mate.


You walk in the butchers with them and the shop will empty lol.

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Yeah pick a quiet time to walk in.


Should be ok though as the body is what the butcher is interested in.


Its better a destroyed head than damaged meat or a piece of lead lurking in the body. At least this way the butcher can be confident the meat is all "clean".

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Cheers dedger, yes I did mate. Thanks for the info. Also found my local shop will almost match the price when asked :thumbs:


Uploading a short clip of rabbit shooting at the moment that was taken last week. I'll post the link as soon as its done :)

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One thing you could do if you find it too much with the Hornady tips is try the jacketed 20 gr. Might cause less damage. Not seen them used so can't comment on the relative killing / destructive power, I'm sure others can. However. I see no problem even with the damage you're showing with headshot. As others have said, its totally humane which is the main consideration in my book.

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