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Cloning Pets

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dont really understand the ins and outs.in connection to cloning a plant though.The clone is a genetic match,they will grow exactly the same as there mother is.also a mistake a lot of people do with cloned plants.Is to treat them as a young plant.not true they are capable of taking the same intake as there mother,same age.

its really amazing stuff and i used to read a fair bit about it.hybrid plants aswell .that be the next thing hybrid humans lol im pretty sure somewhere in the world in some secret expensive place it has been done.prob shock you what those rougue scientists get up to,or even state sponsered ones.


if born ever offers you a weekend at his.DONT GO you will come back with badger growing out your ear lol

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dont really understand the ins and outs.in connection to cloning a plant though.The clone is a genetic match,they will grow exactly the same as there mother is.also a mistake a lot of people do with cloned plants.Is to treat them as a young plant.not true they are capable of taking the same intake as there mother,same age.

its really amazing stuff and i used to read a fair bit about it.hybrid plants aswell .that be the next thing hybrid humans lol im pretty sure somewhere in the world in some secret expensive place it has been done.prob shock you what those rougue scientists get up to,or even state sponsered ones.


if born ever offers you a weekend at his.DONT GO you will come back with badger growing out your ear lol

if the original was succeptable to a disease which we didnt know it was say a disease from abroad and it came over here it will kill every last bit of crop because there is no diversity as they are all clones of the original they carnt evolve or as adapt to become immune

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There is one dog fromy past I would clone, only to breed him with a lurcher or grey. The ex had his balls off at a young age and he turned out to be one hell of a dog clever, game, strong, fast etc all the attributes that make you look and wonder "what if" After breeding him I'd then shoot the cnut for eating all my chocolate so often :laugh:

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hey im all for progress mate,but this particular thing i dont agree with. or maybe its meant to be,and that will be thing that brings about our demise.


Our demise is already on its way, we are breeding out of control and what keeps us alive now isn't sustainable. So we need leaps in technology, as it is already too late to try and stop global warming and who knows what the world will be like one day, there might just be a limited group of people who live until they choose to die themselves and then another is allowed to be born. Or our consciousness will just get downloaded into the internet at birth and we won't need to worry about food or population, for now like everyone else I just enjoy my fish and chips and don't expect to see much change.

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I think that we shouldnt mess with extending life, I certainly dont want to live forever, but I do think it has uses for those who have genetic diseases or other issues that it could potentially help in the future.


Problem is you'll end up with a two tier humanity


Have nots will die normally, but the have's will never die off. Not fair, not something we should be messing with, you get a turn at life and once your turn is up you need to let a new life take your place. Just my opinion though.

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There is one dog fromy past I would clone, only to breed him with a lurcher or grey. The ex had his balls off at a young age and he turned out to be one hell of a dog clever, game, strong, fast etc all the attributes that make you look and wonder "what if" After breeding him I'd then shoot the cnut for eating all my chocolate so often :laugh:

first post relevant to the original answer. ha :laugh:

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