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Riots In Ashton ??

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Well yoiu may be right gnash,and UKIP certainly dont have all the answers.but they do seem to have the sway of the people.


I know if i was running a party and seeking office.i would be playing it cagey when it came to the minorities.aye let them have there wee ceremony swords,and there rants.just makes my party more stronger.however once your in charge well things change ;) or he could become just like the rest and f**k us all over,but we need to give him a chance to find out.certainly not getting anything from thne current lot.there only intereted in thier own greed.


and who knows.if he did f**k over,that may very well be the final straw.

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flip the coin if it had been a group of white lads attacking the rags heads it would have been all over the news but its not as its rags attacking whites keep it off the news same old shite

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riots......... :laugh: this one is blown out of all proportions imo..............infact id put money on it being a stupid pissed up bitch that started it all............ :hmm: google riots in ashton and have a look at the only site to mention it.............. :laugh: yes its bad crack there here but at the end of the day a few kids fighting in a bus stop on a weekend is hardly headline news.............. :blink:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:09, lurcher1 said:

riots......... :laugh: this one is blown out of all proportions imo..............infact id put money on it being a stupid pissed up bitch that started it all............ :hmm: google riots in ashton and have a look at the only site to mention it.............. :laugh: yes its bad crack there here but at the end of the day a few kids fighting in a bus stop on a weekend is hardly headline news.............. :blink:

it made it on here thats good enough :laugh:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:11, pip1968 said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:09, lurcher1 said:

riots......... :laugh: this one is blown out of all proportions imo..............infact id put money on it being a stupid pissed up bitch that started it all............ :hmm: google riots in ashton and have a look at the only site to mention it.............. :laugh: yes its bad crack there here but at the end of the day a few kids fighting in a bus stop on a weekend is hardly headline news.............. :blink:

it made it on here thats good enough :laugh:



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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:19, lurcher1 said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:15, Banter said:

well when they take over theirs no room over here for ya

there will be as theres millions of you over here........... ;)


done worry about them they could blend in anywhere

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I hear this alot "I could do time standing on my head" so why don't these folk that think that kick it all off???

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:21, Banter said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:19, lurcher1 said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:15, Banter said:

well when they take over theirs no room over here for ya

there will be as theres millions of you over here........... ;)


done worry about them they could blend in anywhere


not in the paki areas.......... :laugh::tongue2:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 11:36, TOM TERRIER said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 09:51, bob.243 said:


Charges dropped against Muslim man who made horrific comments online after Lee Rigby murder


lee_rigby.jpgIn the wake of the horrific murder of Lee Rigby, police were quick to crack down on anyone posting anti-Muslim sentiments online.

We all saw the media explode with stories of hate crime against Muslims when most incidents merely amounted to saying something online that Islam didn’t like.

One 23 year old woman received 8 weeks in prison (suspended) for some comments made online.

When the Muslims say something grossly offensive to us?

muslim_hate.jpgOne Mohammed Mazar, 19, of Balmoral Drive, Woking, Surrey, did just that and posted grossly offensive comments after hero Lee Rigby was murdered.

His punishment?

He was due in court today, but the case has been “discontinued” and the charges dropped.

At the time of his arrest, Superintendent Matt Goodridge said: “Surrey Police will not tolerate language used in a public place, including on social media websites, which causes harassment, alarm or distress.”

Seems the law will if it is Muslims saying it.

One rule for us, one rule for them?



Makes my piss boil this, We are discriminated against in our own country.



Its been going on for 20+ years mate :yes:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:25, lab-tastic said:

I hear this alot "I could do time standing on my head" so why don't these folk that think that kick it all off???

i dont no mate but it is annoying yet at the same time pleasing that we dont stoop to there level............if some crazy neo nazi went out and did what them russians did to two innocent muslims as a "revenge attack" for lee rigby then ultimately what would that prove??? that were as bad as the kunts were getting revenge on??? yes something needs to be done........but im starting to think no kunts got any idea as to what it is................... :hmm:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:35, lurcher1 said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:25, lab-tastic said:

I hear this alot "I could do time standing on my head" so why don't these folk that think that kick it all off???

i dont no mate but it is annoying yet at the same time pleasing that we dont stoop to there level............if some crazy neo nazi went out and did what them russians did to two innocent muslims as a "revenge attack" for lee rigby then ultimately what would that prove??? that were as bad as the kunts were getting revenge on??? yes something needs to be done........but im starting to think no kunts got any idea as to what it is................... :hmm:


put your foot down with a firm hand :whistling:

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  On 12/06/2013 at 12:37, paulus said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:35, lurcher1 said:


  On 12/06/2013 at 12:25, lab-tastic said:

I hear this alot "I could do time standing on my head" so why don't these folk that think that kick it all off???

i dont no mate but it is annoying yet at the same time pleasing that we dont stoop to there level............if some crazy neo nazi went out and did what them russians did to two innocent muslims as a "revenge attack" for lee rigby then ultimately what would that prove??? that were as bad as the kunts were getting revenge on??? yes something needs to be done........but im starting to think no kunts got any idea as to what it is................... :hmm:


put your foot down with a firm hand :whistling:


backwards ever forwards never.............. :whistling:

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