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Riots In Ashton ??

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When people realise that islam is the enemy , that all muslims are the enemy , and not fall for this radical / good muslim shit , that the friendly smiling packie in the corner shop or the reasonable

. Charges dropped against Muslim man who made horrific comments online after Lee Rigby murder   In the wake of the horrific murder of Lee Rigby, police were quick to crack down on anyone posting an

flip the coin if it had been a group of white lads attacking the rags heads it would have been all over the news but its not as its rags attacking whites keep it off the news same old shite

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dont think its as much as being soft on them.more like past and previous goverments.have always taken there side. so any reprisal would ultimaeatly result in you being the one that they come down hard on. needed a goverment years ago who was sympathetic to the brits plight.however we didnt and they were more interested in making money rather than how the nation felt.now were decades on and its all falling like a deck of cards,and you can see they are more interested in protecting the tribes and there property. police officers on guard at mosques FFS if any of us had asked for police protection we would be told point blank havent got the recources,call us if anything happens.

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flip the coin if it had been a group of white lads attacking the rags heads it would have been all over the news but its not as its rags attacking whites keep it off the news same old shite :yes:

Edited by troter58
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Just seen that on Facebook :icon_eek: mmm let's attack a couple of white kids eh? Big hard lads these lot ;) funny they never pick on someone who'll kick their heads in!! I'm nowhere near 'hard' but some pakis head would have been going through that bus stop window if it was me :toast:

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Charges dropped against Muslim man who made horrific comments online after Lee Rigby murder


lee_rigby.jpgIn the wake of the horrific murder of Lee Rigby, police were quick to crack down on anyone posting anti-Muslim sentiments online.

We all saw the media explode with stories of hate crime against Muslims when most incidents merely amounted to saying something online that Islam didn’t like.

One 23 year old woman received 8 weeks in prison (suspended) for some comments made online.

When the Muslims say something grossly offensive to us?

muslim_hate.jpgOne Mohammed Mazar, 19, of Balmoral Drive, Woking, Surrey, did just that and posted grossly offensive comments after hero Lee Rigby was murdered.

His punishment?

He was due in court today, but the case has been “discontinued” and the charges dropped.

At the time of his arrest, Superintendent Matt Goodridge said: “Surrey Police will not tolerate language used in a public place, including on social media websites, which causes harassment, alarm or distress.”

Seems the law will if it is Muslims saying it.

One rule for us, one rule for them?


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trully sickening!and they ask us to respect the establishment.


seriously thats f***ing scandalous he wasnt prosecuted for that. charges dropped! that takes the f***ing biscuit.they must be literally pissing themselfs at us. no wonder they think they can take this country over,there half roads f***ing there.they have the goverment on there side.

D DAY there would never have been a f***ing D DAY if they could have forseen what lay in store for us.

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