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you can buy tubs of dry cure. You rub it well into the dry belly, seal it up in a plastic bag, and leave it to cure in the bottom of the fridge. My first lot were too fatty. Over feeding, and winter weather, rooky mistake! Try Middle whites, fantastic pork, and early finishers

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I have been having a go for 20 odd years in a small way. Most veg you can blanch and freeze. Bag up mark and in the chest freezer. make jams etc. freeze fruit for smoothies etc. have 20 odd chickens p

I would say I feed myself 4 or 5 days a week. Veg plot, and swapping veg and eggs with neighbours and friends, I don't buy much from the shops. I eat meat maybe twice a week - usually something caught

I've come pretty close but you have to change your way of thinking a lot. When my daughter was born I was working as a woods men coppicing, hedgelaying, charcoal, selling bits and prices, gardening fa

I like it MORE FAT the better i made a few rubs myself and tried it on some bellies, 1 10day rub the other 5 day rub. quite tasty too.


J there are loads of cure/rubs out there but nothing beats the old type way if you can do it.


i r ember my first lot of home cured bacon, i was given some wrapped in foil i got home opened it up to find just thick pieces of FAT.

I nearly chucked it in the bin, cause i thought my mate was playing a joke on me. I rang him to ask if he was taking the piss and he said "no boy fry it up try it THATS PROPER BACON " and it was too bloody loverly ( only a thin streak of meat in it mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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I've come pretty close but you have to change your way of thinking a lot. When my daughter was born I was working as a woods men coppicing, hedgelaying, charcoal, selling bits and prices, gardening farm work anything to pay our way. Made the decision I would work to pay the rent and bills but be at home much as I could with littlun and my wife. Had a few sheep of a farm in exchange for labour and got some grazing in exchange for lamb. Home killed a few for myself sent the rest to slaughter and sold a few to cover my costs of keep. Also killed a few pigs for others and butchered those for people in exchange for a pig for myself. Hand on heart we didn't use the butcher for a couple of years. My daughter was weaned on pheasant, rabbit and venison. With a mediocre dog, a crayfish trap or two, a few snares and some ferrets protein isn't an issue. We have a few hens for eggs. Grew as much veg as we could around work and family time. Some of the big gardens I looked after would let me take excess which we made into chutneys. Used the supermarket for nappies, cleaning stuff etc but spent very little. Not saying the odd takeaway wasn't snuck in and it does mean changing the way you eat, when the meat runs out we eat veggie. Was offered a full time job on an estate recently as farm worker/forester and the security appealed. Still don't buy a lot of meat or veg but its harder to be self sufficient around a full time job. Still living the dream though, sat in the woods watching my charcoal kiln puff away about to fry a couple of my eggs over a fire........

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