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Makeing Trammel Nets For Turbot

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i have sole nets rigged danish its good but i dont like it for trammels it saves rigging time thou. yeh the nets only fish properly at slack water and most of our fish are in the top 10 mmeshes. we fi

this is that mackerel net i was asking about TC its looking good! just got it done in the rain!     first stretch out the head line with floats roughly in the right place     then the net to

http://youtu.be/nmH_B6WRCTs just a quick how too, I got lots of people asking what knot is used to rig them so I put a video up

Good work there, what size is the Flex Line ?..


number 3.... I used to use floats but found they rolled in the tide too much, I don't like rigging trammels they so much slower to do than say 5 inch mesh, this is the first multi mono one ive made too and I like it better than single

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I done some diffrent ways and found the 7 in 14 had plenty of kill fishing 8ft.. Gutted tho lost 1 net to the keepers haha and a nice fine. Hows the bass up your way. Very slow hear on anglesey.

they were picking up well, we got 22 in 4 nets on the last day of the season, but that's us until 1st of dec unless we use drift nets from the beach or sein nets no fixed gear. god forbid we should catch a migratory fish! I cant wait until next year to get thease trammels out and get stuck into the skate and turbot!

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I done some diffrent ways and found the 7 in 14 had plenty of kill fishing 8ft.. Gutted tho lost 1 net to the keepers haha and a nice fine. Hows the bass up your way. Very slow hear on anglesey.




only 8 ft deep why? all ours are 50 mesh about 12-14ft deep and 100m long

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We only fish shallow water fixed of the boat drop them in 10ft and let tide drop and turn a few hours an pick up in 6ft, We use 10ft x 100 yards and usually have 400-500 in a line in the rocks come sep-oct big numbers. We drift net with 800yards and some times only get a hand full other times get big numbers. There a place we fish with a 100yard net we got 108 in an hour, another tides in 3 nites we got 15boxes of bass. All fish avrage 3.5-5lb.. Last year was a very poor year.

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We only fish shallow water fixed of the boat drop them in 10ft and let tide drop and turn a few hours an pick up in 6ft, We use 10ft x 100 yards and usually have 400-500 in a line in the rocks come sep-oct big numbers. We drift net with 800yards and some times only get a hand full other times get big numbers. There a place we fish with a 100yard net we got 108 in an hour, another tides in 3 nites we got 15boxes of bass. All fish avrage 3.5-5lb.. Last year was a very poor year.

we have fecking hopeless bylaws up hear we have to have 3m of water over our headline at all times of tide unless we drift nets. so that makes our mullet season v short 2 month at best. then we switch to skate and sole..

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not even outside the "season" on the beach? thing is we get more migratory "funny fish" with drifters than we do fixed nets as we can drift right along the breakers! I only use 200m of net when bass drifting and plan to drift for mackerel this year ive been rigging 2 inch nets all week, that's a right loody pain. you wouldn't know what average price per kg mackerel is would you? what you getting for bass? we get average £8-9 a kg pm me if you want

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not even outside the "season" on the beach? thing is we get more migratory "funny fish" with drifters than we do fixed nets as we can drift right along the breakers! I only use 200m of net when bass drifting and plan to drift for mackerel this year ive been rigging 2 inch nets all week, that's a right loody pain. you wouldn't know what average price per kg mackerel is would you? what you getting for bass? we get average £8-9 a kg pm me if you want

Interesting thread chaps. I will stick up some pics of my adventure to the west coast last year where I had a great time fishing 'the mono fly' in the salt. Had some nice mullet and a few of those silver things.





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