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New box I made

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Built this box a couple of days ago, just a single compartment. Not pretty but its strong! I built a frame (15x"9"x9") then pinned thin plywood to it.


To make the frame I made 2 squares (both 15"x9"). I overlapped, glued and pinned them. Once you done this you just have to attach the uprights to make it a box. I doweled and glued them inplace. All I done then was pin and glue the ply to the frame :thumbs: The lid is made from 12mm MDF, Not ideal but all I had. I gave the lid 1 layer of undercoat and 4 coats of gloss. Hopefully It will be waterproof, if not I will change to ply.






Its far from pretty, but its fecking strong :victory: Still need to seal in the edges of the lid, will do that now :doh:


Good thing is, I can attach it to the back of my moped! Yes, I will look a right twat :icon_redface: but will be handy now I can go ferreting without lifts. It has a small hole in bottom of box (that I can close when ferreting) that meets with a hole in the back of the bike, that I can screw a nut in.


H&J :thumbs:

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Guest little_lloyd

f*****g smert as feck :yes::thumbs: Lol My mates getting a quad soon so where gonna have a box attached to that for ferreting trips lol


Heres my box i made last Christmas :victory: Hurts the back after a while tho :(


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the ideal ferret box is light as possible and a bow back is preferd feck carrying that for a while mdf absorbes water like a sponge all it takes is a small pin hole and a little water and you got problems ideal 9mm ply (marine) with a coat of stain and 2/3 coats of varnish inside and out ...

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Yeh I know what you meen, I was going to make it bowbacked, but I didnt really have the materials. Might get one of the ferret box company, very good prices.


be carefull when you buy from the ferret box company, there good strong boxes but feck me there heavy i bought a double last year when it came i thought fookin hell how big is that :thumbdown: the last thing you need when your out and about is a feckin lump of a box

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the ideal ferret box is light as possible and a bow back is preferd feck carrying that for a while mdf absorbes water like a sponge all it takes is a small pin hole and a little water and you got problems ideal 9mm ply (marine) with a coat of stain and 2/3 coats of varnish inside and out ...

Yeh like I said its not ideal, should be alright until I can get some ply :thumbs: TBH I doubt I will use it all that much, its just handy that I can get it on the bike.


Thinking of buying one of those poachers ferret boxes of ebay, might only fit 2 jills or a hob in it but I bet its light. Thats a bowback too.

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