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Bike Trailers...for The Little Uns'

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anybody got one of these bike trailers?....


was going to get one of them little seats you put on your bike frame...


but decided not to....looks ferkin dangerous if you fell off or had a collision :yes:


bought this yesterday for the wee man....to accompany me on bike rides with the dogs....as hes always wanting to come...


also useful for taking him to nursery....and rides with the wife etc....


went up by the reserviour today with the wife....and him in his trailer....


superb piece of kit :yes: and he loves it!





Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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I just sold mine as the kids are a bit to big now, there is a massive second hand demand. I stuck it up on gumtree and had a dozen calls on it within the first couple of hours.

They are excellent though, I had the double so used to put both the kids in and take them for a spin. The hills were a bit of a killer but I would just drop it to a low gear and keep a steady pace throughout, helped keep me in shape that's for sure.

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Bought a two seater for my youngest two when they were little, they loved it. Unfortunately the chants of faster daddy going up hills fell upon deaf ears...........

What do you know about hills coming from where you do? :laugh: I borrowed a two seater my mate was selling to try out once. I went downhill for a few hundred yards to the school at the bottom of where I used to live, back up and handed it straight back to him with a firm 'No Thanks!' :icon_redface::laugh:
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These are great little things, I bought 1 where I used to live paid £50 for it and used it to take the kids to school It paid for its self 10 folds, it wasn't far to the school but when the kids didn't fancy a walk as they were only 4 and 5 I strapped them both in and they loved it.


The other thing I was going to do was get a harness and get a dog I had then to pull it as they seem really well balanced but never got around to it.

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seem popular :yes:


seen one up the reserviour today...real sporty looking....worth some money....


attached to the back of a 3 grand 'lapierre' bike....


felt like a pauper :laugh:

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