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thought I'd stick some pictures up of my ferrets, theres 2 jill mums, 6 youngsters, and dad, so keeping it in the family, barring "little nipper" who was got for my eldest son, but when I picked him up, decieded my son could have one of the poley hobs I had, cos this little sod looked good, he was the smallest hob from a litter of 10 and as my hobs are big buggers, thought he'd make a good addition to the ferreting team



this is buster, albino hob and "the dad"





this is foxy, silver jill and one of the mums





this is a new addition, little nipper, hob, no idea on colour?




this is buster-gut a poley hob





this is vixen, silver jill, 2nd mum





this is minky, poley jill (very dark)





this is smudger, silver hob (both him and his sister brenda have great face markings






this is brenda, silver jill





and lastly, hi-ho, jill, the darkest silver in the litter, and a favorite




have tried taking full body pictures to give an idea of markings



leave ya suggestions on "little nippers" colour?, simular fleck to a silver, but more of a beige colour

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