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Skinners Field And Trial Duck And Rice

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Hi all


Has anyone's dog ever had an allergy to this brand of dry food? My lurcher has started to go bald on her rear end she's scratching and nibbling a bit I keep going over her but can't find fleas her next treatment for them is due the 15th this month and wormer is due this time aswell she seems to have dry flakey skin like dandruff but no redness or scabs as of yet


Any ideas or advice would be very greatfull I'm thinking book the vets for a scraping today




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Hi thanks for the reply I'm at work at the min but will upload a pic later it's like a patch either side of the tail and a patch on either back leg that seems to be coming she's due wormer on the 15th aswell I use drontal plus would it hurt her to bring this forward to tonight? If it was an allergy is there a way to treat this or shall I get her to the vets tonight ?



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Anal glands ?


If you are washing her with shampoo, check you are washing it all off as base of the tail is a common area for residue to get left, which can irritate the skin.

It doesn't sound like a classic food type reaction, but as Sandymere says, this is a bad time of year for environment allergies.

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hi lara


ive been reading about these anal glands i had a feel and not 100 % but could feel 2 little peas dunno if it was or not but her mess is solid, id read i could empty them?


is there anything i can do to help her with the area or allergie and see if it improves or should i be going vets to be safe


i was maybe finking do the flea and wormer tonight maybe get some cream for her skin alos and see if i can take the itch away swop her food and possibly give her a allergie tablet


i will upload a few pics as soon as im back maybe it will help you guys might know from looking what area to attack

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I wouldn't be going to the vet just yet if it was me - try to eliminate the "common" causes and then see how it goes over the next few days or so. If the skin isn't broken or damaged, then using creams can help, but to be honest, the dogs lick them off, and they are messy, so I don't tend to bother. Clean the area a few times a day with something like hibiscrub, or an antibacterial skin wash, rinse well after and leave to dry. It won't hurt giving the flea and worm treatment - if thats the reason, the itching will stop. I wouldn't change diet though just yet ( if at all ). Yes, owners can empty the dogs anal glands themselves, it's not difficult, but can be painful for the dog if they are full/blocked. A lot of vet nurses will do them, and charge a lot less than the vet. There are a lot of clips on YouTube that demonstrate how its done if you want to see what is involved.


I would also give a 4mg piriton tablet daily for the next few days to help with the itching.

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The one I use is Hibiscrub - from any chemist or supermarket - it's on the shelf. The drug is called Chlorhexidine - hibiscrub is a brand. You can buy it as a thick pink gel that you dilute in water and wash the area with, and also as a spray that is already diluted.


You can use an antibacterial hand wash soap - just check it doesn't contain alcohol, as that can irritate skin more.

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I wouldn't be convinced at this stage it was the food - I'd eliminate the other stuff first ( fleas, worms, anal glands and a "one off coming into contact with something out walking" type stuff ) then see what I was left with. If you change everything/ treat everything all at once, and it settles, you won't know what it was in the first place, so you may have changed food for no reason if it was a few fleas, or anal glands. Deal with the quick/easy/likely causes first, then see what is left.

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