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Yeah, as I said its good for the genuine, committed individual but it means anybody can obtain one on a whim but then that's the same for dogs, horses etc.

As crow hawker said the other day anybody can read a book and talk the talk. It would be easy for anybody to obtain a few birds, put up a few pictures and convince everybody they are the real mc coy falconer. Then the breeding starts and the young birds are easily sold because they are bred by a name from the Internet.Its easy to fool people on the net, I could go out next season and take game by other means and just stick the hawk on top of them for the photo.Nobody would know any different and I could be breeding the next summer and a book out the year after lol

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I think it's more to do with the falconer you do get the odd few a mate of mine flew peregrine terceil that would steam up to a kite but would not go up just kept landing on the floor and his brother

serve em enough game and look after em right they will do rest for sure

I'd like to see a falcon out flying game or crows, its a pleasure just to see them going for a lure so hunting with one must be superb.

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ha like you said it would be easily done. but to be honest with the price of birds nowadays would it really be worth the effort? unless you was breeding a rare, expensive and sought after bird there just isnt enough money in it like they used too. like crow hawker said you couldn't get a harris for under a grand. a gos was closer to 2 grand and now there worth absolutely minimal amounts compared to what they used to, i can remember jasper on here breeds peregrines and he was saying everybody just wanted to imprint them for breeding purposes, so it wont be long before peregrines are going for shocking prices too. its a shame

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Yeah it sounds like its gone to far.

That's why I don't believe anything on the Internet, I know how easy it would have been for me to convince everybody on these forums that I had done more with my hawk last season,so if I could do it anybody can.

Even pictures mean nothing.


But I love the Internet and i am addicted to it lol

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Same its addicting ha. Carnt wait to be out next season, at least I've got another member coming with me so im not on my own all the time, be nice to spread the load, atleast with his help I will be able to get some pics to share. It was nigh on impossible last season with me running round like a blue arsed fly from hawk to ferret

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All I got was mine sat on dead stuff and they are out of focus.Certainly nothing worth posting.Action shots are what's needed but as you say someone else needs to be taking them.I must have a hundred pics of dogs stood behind a pile of dead things and I did put some of them on here but looking back they were part of the most boring threads on this forum.

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There would be a demand for a Harris hawk DVD I would have thought, the you tube clips are nothing special and the bob dalton one is forgettable. 90 minutes of edited hawking would be worth a watch if only once.

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The user silverburn is a good YouTube watch. Ive got two falconry DVDs one was ok only certain parts were good but video quality was shite, the rest of it was showing car hawking which produces the most boring flights ever. The other one was delivered today so I need to watch that hopefully it will be better, its hours long with eagle hunting Harris goshawk redtail and falcon hunting so it should be good

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I had one which was 8 hours non stop Harris and goshawks hunting a variety of quarry but lent it out and never got it back.

The trouble with falconry DVDs and books is they are a mix of how to do things plus hunting, I only want to watch or read about hunting not how to tie the falconers knot ha.

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