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Hushpower Advice

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Sorry got another hushpower question......

Still waiting on the license to come through so weighing up the pros and cons of the different calibre Mossberg 500 either the 12 or 20, ive got the offer of both but just wondered what you guys who have them or have used them think of either , im swaying towards the 12g, but its the increase over the 20g that is slightly putting me off?

What do you guys think?
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I had the 20 and sold it VERY SOON after coz the only cartridges I could get in sub sonic were 24g 7 1/2 and they were shit!!! And not really that quiet. Apparently Eley do a 30g 6 but I never really tried them. The gun felt shit and it was a Cnut to shoot straight just to un balanced. I just stick to a normal 12 now but I've still got a couple hundred of the 20 bore cartridges if you or anyone else wants them for clays or something?

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Why do you think you need a hushpower? If it's for lamping then it won't really make a difference from a normal shottie, one shot and that's your lot! The only hushpower I would bother with is a .410 for rats in and around farm buildings

Atb ant

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i have a single barrel harrington and richardson .410 with a mod on and i love it its great for lamping rats and rabbits in places were i wouldnt feel safe using my rifles get a .410 mossberg a keeper i know has 1 great for rats in pens atb b

Edited by b53hunt
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I got a Bakail 410 with a hushpower on it and it's really nice and quiet with Eley Fourlong12.5g No. 6 carts. I can even shoot magpies and rats that are on the bird table out of my bathroom window , i live in a bungalow, and the missis doesn't mind. She went ape shit when i used the SX3, that's why i got the 410.

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