Lab 10,979 Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 English should be a basic requirement. If you dont speak it to a good level whereby giving you the tools to get on and integrate you dont get in . Full Stop. If you dont SWEAR Allegience to Great Britain. You dont get in full stop. If you do get in you must pay taxes into the system for a Full 3-5 Years before your allowed to claim a penny. Full Stop. It would be quite easy to sort out this mess. Common Sense But these Eaton educated dumb ass politicians have none of that. You cant ask folk to do that......would you do that if you decided to move to another country? Dont think so!! What you can do is ask them to live peacefully, try not to break the law but if they do they are shipped straight back out. But before that we need too shut the door to 'everyone' for the next few years till we stabilise the country. You need to do all those things if you want to live in America. (Well you have to speak English or Spanish) Well i wouldnt do be quite happy to follow all there laws but how i can do that when its not 'my' country i'll never know. Looks like America is out now..... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edrd Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 The only difference is the americans and auzes won't let them in there is alote of vermin in britian at the moment two legged types Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,832 Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 Lab, would it make you feel better if max said swear allegieance to Scotland/England/Wales/NI (delete as apllicable)? Which in essence is GB but saves you Scots pride. LOL Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Wxm 1,638 Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 Am i the only 1 that would be worried he's already got his ruck sack on :hmm: :D 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 (edited) Maxhardcore Half the English dont speak English propper innit You have to contribute for at least 3/5 years before you get any benefit so 75% of the unemployed on benefits would get f**k all If you dont swear allegiance to Gt Britain ou mean like the Scottish Nationalists The Welsh Nationalists The Irish Republicans. The Members of the European Union? have they swore allegiance And dont get me started on common sence. An immigration policy should be based on needs of the country not needs of the individual wanting to come here, let me give an example most of the "Muzzies" coming here who claim assylum are young men in the age range 16 to 30 they claim it is to dangerous to live in thier own part of the world for various reasons it is strange that it is to dangerous for them but thier wives , children , parents etc are left there to fend for it dangerous for them . The real reason is economic the UK is an easy touch full stop . Unless immigration is controlled on the basis of the needs of the country it population and its resources all the shit that is happening will escalate. I dont base my rationale on race colour creed or religion I base it on fact I cant be labled Racist realist maybe most of the arguments I hear are justified where no justification exists is when its brought down to the level of phobias and predjudices. The EDL if as this Tom Robinson says thier Agenda is not based on race then I personally dont see any problem with it The Video on here the other week showing Saif-ul-islam slapping him in Luton showed the one intent on creating trouble was Saif-ul - islam Why have the police taken no action against him for assault? the Goverment and the institutions are the ones who for instance give visas to people like Abu Hamza etc which in turn leads to rdicalisation of British Nationals like Anjum Choudhry, Richard Reed the shoe bomber etc Its said many Muslims condone this type of action the majority dont and as said most of them are scared of these radicals also and as is evident from recent events how much protection would they receive from the police about the same as everyone else none the police are intent on upholding goverment policy flawed or not not protecting ther general public. Many have passed comment on my daughter receiving Education here I have contributed to this and will be paying for her University Education she is entitled to it as she is a British Citizan in her own right. Anyone who can pay should pay means testing is the fairest way my feeling is provide for the young .old and sick and every f****r else earn a f***ing living even if its only brushing the street. Edited June 6, 2013 by desertbred Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edrd Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 I thought a muzzi was a dry fly lol roll on the referendum Quote Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted June 6, 2013 Report Share Posted June 6, 2013 There are no Jobs because this Isle is overcrowded as it is. 2 child policy. Strict Immigration Sterilise the worst of the worst chavs who give nothing and take everything. All they are doing is breeding problems worse than themselves then the next generation repetes itself only worse. Win Win Win Can you address any of the problems i gave? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted June 7, 2013 Report Share Posted June 7, 2013 Iv never been one to go along with we have to breed more than the last generation to pay for those due to retire. This will never solve the problem as its just making a larger monster every generation. The world is overpopulated as it is and cant sustain much more. 3 billion in 1950 60 years down the line nearing 7 billion. The worlds resources are at breaking point. Politicians have to start looking at the bigger picture You cant eat or drink greenbacks. 1987 Englands Population around 56 million Today prob 70 million Officially 3 mill unemployed Prob nearer 5 million in reality This population explosion cant be sustained. Anyways im off to brush my pegs iron my Burburry shirt as i sign on 9am in the morn. that's a very good point. And if genuinely believe that,you should imo support any system that would allow white people to rule the world again. Because white Europeans are the only people capable of dealing with problems like over population in a rational way. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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