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The scousers sold all the sand around Ryadh to them of Formby beach. Elephants and camels are very similar just different colour. Depends on your meaning of good can you get good crap? dont usually see saluki and good in the same sentence on your posts LOL

Thankyou kimosava. You must have missed my thread regarding salukis and good, I think it went a long the lines.... Salukis are good for fuckall :laugh:

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Yes you live here but you want to live here under your rules ... You know that your daughter won't get an education in that shit hole Iran that's why you have brought her here so you can use this coun

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Max ,,, stop involving me,,, if you want to get him up in the hills ,,, then get on with it



Fook me who's rattled your cage.


Its your permish after all.

It weren't supposed to sound like it reads,,, it sounded better in my head,,,,I was taking the piss really,, but reading back it don't sound like that...


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Max, Personally I don't think you have to follow a religion to have good values. The days of ultimante religous reign in this country were some of the worst we have ever seen.


I visited Southwell Minster Cathedral yesterday, loved it and felt moved by the grandure of the architecture and it's significance as a part of British history, heritage and culture but no way would I feel right going there regularly as a firm athiest. It'd feel like a lie.


IMO what we have lost is values and community, religion isn't needed for that. Christianity is part of our heritage, but I have no place in 'Gods house'.

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YOU NEED TO STOP WATCHING LOW BUDGET GANGSTER MOVIES. Some of the the best cousing i ever had the pleasue to watch was salukis.


Aye mate, saluki courses are much better as you get older...... No need to turn your head as quick to keep up with the action, everything like a slo mo action replay. I suppose its all down to what floats your boat. Steve Davis fan or Ronnie O'Sullivan.....

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YOU NEED TO STOP WATCHING LOW BUDGET GANGSTER MOVIES. Some of the the best cousing i ever had the pleasue to watch was salukis.


Aye mate, saluki courses are much better as you get older...... No need to turn your head as quick to keep up with the action, everything like a slo mo action replay. I suppose its all down to what floats your boat. Steve Davis fan or Ronnie O'Sullivan.....

. 1970s. Baw. I was young Seen every type of x course old ned on every type of land. Seen them come and seen them go. Lamped when lamping was a car battery and car head lamp. Nothing new under the sun coursing aint all about the catch. Omhp
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YOU NEED TO STOP WATCHING LOW BUDGET GANGSTER MOVIES. Some of the the best cousing i ever had the pleasue to watch was salukis.


Aye mate, saluki courses are much better as you get older...... No need to turn your head as quick to keep up with the action, everything like a slo mo action replay. I suppose its all down to what floats your boat. Steve Davis fan or Ronnie O'Sullivan.....

. 1970s. Baw. I was young Seen every type of x course old ned on every type of land. Seen them come and seen them go. Lamped when lamping was a car battery and car head lamp. Nothing new under the sun coursing aint all about the catch. Omhp


Exactly why I don't want to see some dog slog against a hare 30 yards back, not put in a bend just waiting to run it into the ground. Coursing a hare is all about excitement. I'd rather see a minute of explosive action than 7 minutes of follow the leader. You've proved my point, cheers :thumbs:

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